* *输入:小时 = 45,费率 10.00,医疗/牙科和 401k 复选框均已选中
· 输出:总工资 = 475.00,医疗/牙科扣除 = 50.00,401k 扣除 = 23.75,税收 = 100.31,净工资 = 300.94**
姓名:Joe 工作时间:45 费率:10.00 总收入:400.00 美元 税收:112.50 美元 净收入:337.50 美元 医疗/牙科扣除:400.00 美元 401k 扣除:20.00 美元
private const decimal TAX = 0.25m;
private string name = "";
private decimal Gross_pay;
private decimal Taxes;
private decimal Net_Pay;
private decimal annual_salary;
private int NumberOfEmployees;
private decimal deductionMed;
private decimal deduction401k ;
private void CalcButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ // The “Calculate” button calculates gross pay, taxes, and net pay and then displays name, department, gross pay, taxes, and net pay using currency format for various amounts in the rich text box
// Gross pay= (hours * rate)
// Taxes= (25% of gross pay)
// Net pay (gross pay ?taxes)
Gross_pay = Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) * decimal.Parse(RateTextBox.Text);
Taxes = TAX * Gross_pay;
Net_Pay = Gross_pay - Taxes;
annual_salary = Net_Pay;
Taxes = TAX * (Gross_pay - (deductionMed + deduction401k));
//overtime pay
if (Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) >= 41)
Gross_pay = Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) * decimal.Parse(RateTextBox.Text) * 1.5m;
DisplayOutPut.Text += "\nOvertime:" + Gross_pay.ToString("C") + "\n";
//Medical/Dental and 401k deductions...as well as tax collected.
if (MedicalDentalDeductions.Checked)
deductionMed = Gross_pay = Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) * decimal.Parse(RateTextBox.Text) - 50.00m;
if (FourOneKDeduction.Checked)
deduction401k = Gross_pay * 0.05m;
DisplayOutPut.Text = "Name: "+ "";
DisplayOutPut.Text += NameTextBox.Text + "\n";
DisplayOutPut.Text += "Hours: " + HoursTextBox.Text + "\n";
DisplayOutPut.Text += "Rate: " + RateTextBox.Text + "\n";
DisplayOutPut.Text += "Gross Pay: " + Gross_pay.ToString("C") + "\n"; // Hours*Rate
DisplayOutPut.Text += "Taxes: " + Taxes.ToString("C") + "\n";
DisplayOutPut.Text += "Net Pay: " + Net_Pay.ToString("C");
DisplayOutPut.Text += "\nMedical/Dental deduction: " + deductionMed.ToString("C") + "\n401k deduction: " + deduction401k.ToString("C");
//handling the invalid inputs
if (NameTextBox.Text == "")
{ MessageBox.Show("Name is missing.", "Error"); }
if (Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) >= 70)
{ MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a Valid hour.", "Invalid data type."); }
if (RateTextBox.Text == "" && (RateTextBox.Text == ","))
{ MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a valid amount.", "Invalid data type ($)"); }
if (Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) >= 70)
{ MessageBox.Show("You have exceeded the maximum hours per week."); }
else if (Convert.ToInt32(HoursTextBox.Text) < 10)
{ MessageBox.Show("You cannot input less than 10 hours."); }
if (Convert.ToDecimal(RateTextBox.Text) < 9.75m)
{ MessageBox.Show("Please enter the minimum wage."); }
private void MedicalDentalDeductions_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void FourOneKDeduction_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)