以下站点说在计算法线矩阵时使用 model_view 矩阵(假设我们没有使用内置的 gl_NormalMatrix): (site) Light House。我的程序中有以下算法:
//Calculate Normal matrix
// 1. Multiply the model matrix by the view matrix and then grab the upper left
// corner 3 x 3 matrix.
mat3x3 mv_orientation = glext::orientation_matrix<float, glext::column>(
glext::model_view<float, glext::column>(glext_model_, glext_view_));
// 2. Because openGL matrices use homogeneous coordinate an affine inversion
// should work???
// 3. The normal matrix is defined as the transpose of the inverse of the upper
// left 3 X 3 matrix
// 4. Place this into the shader
basic_shader_.set_uniform_3d_matrix("normal_matrix", mv_orientation.to_gl_matrix());