I'm trying to implement signup/login using Facebook in my app. Currently I'm following the tutorial on Facebook developer Login Ui tutorial on Facebook developer

I have imported the Facebook SDK and the following code also works

FBLoginView *loginView = [[FBLoginView alloc] init];
[self.view addSubview:loginView];

Now what I require is

1) Change the FBLogin Button to my custom button

2) when the login is successful, I need to capture the users gender, email and profileid to store in the server for signup and also to validate if the user is already signin

3)Also need to know which all details should I store in session to fetch the users friendlist from facebook

If anyone has done it, please do help me with your guidance and source code.

Thanks in Advance


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Just Follow the new Facebook Tutorial, You will find everything you need: Facebook iOS Tutorial v 2.0

于 2014-05-06T12:41:30.010 回答