I am passing an string or a char array to a function and swapping them but losing the first char array's value for some reason. Here is my code:
void foo(char* a, char* b){
char* temp;
temp = new char[strlen(a)+1];
strcpy(temp, a);
strcpy(a, b);
strcpy(b, temp);
delete[] temp;
So in foo the function gets passed two pointers and the are attempted to be swapped. Here is the main function. There may be a problem with the passing of the variable, but the compiler did not give me an issue.
int main(){
char a[] = "First";
char b[] = "Last";
std::cout << "A Before: "<< a << "\n";
std::cout << "B Before: " << b << "\n\n";
foo(a, b);
std::cout << "A After: "<< a << "\n";
std::cout << "B After: "<< b << "\n\n";
return 0;
The output I am getting is as follows:
A Before: first
B Before: last
A After:
B After: first
Now I have tested the values of the strings while in the function during the strcpy's and turns empty after the final strcpy, which means, or at lest I think, that the problem lies within the pointers to the original variables. It could be a chain reaction type of thing where all of the pointers are pointing to the "a" and it confuses the program.
Any help would be appreciated, also why this is happening would be very useful as well.