
(roguelike)2D 地图由方形单元组成,每个单元都有一种材料(岩石或空气)。

每个单元格有四个边界(N、S、E 和 W)。每个边界由两个单元共享。





我一直对细胞之间存在多条等效路线这一事实感到困惑 - SSW 与 SWS 相同(这个问题的 1D 版本是微不足道的)。

(我认识到 ADT 表示不会特别“可查询”。)


称东边界 E 和南边界 S。让每个边界为SameDiff Feature。这种方法的问题在于它允许存在不一致的路由,例如:

E<0,0> Same
S<1,0> Same
S<0,0> Same
E<0,1> Diff


您可以说 Same 为 1 而 Diff 为 -1,并且沿任何两个单元格之间的每条路径的乘积必须相等(1 或 -1)。


3 回答 3


我不知道这对于传统的 ADT 是否可行,但您可以使用 GADT 来做到这一点。这有一个映射在一个维度上是无限的,而在另一个维度上是有限的:


data Nil
type AirEnd = AirCell Nil
type RockEnd = RockCell Nil

data AirCell next
data RockCell next

data WallFeature = Lever | Picture | Buttons | Etc ()
type Wall = Maybe WallFeature

data RogueStrip contents neighbour where

  AirEnd_ngbAir :: RogueStrip AirEnd AirEnd
  AirEnd_ngbRock :: Wall -> RogueStrip AirEnd RockEnd
  RockEnd_ngbAir :: Wall -> RogueStrip RockEnd AirEnd
  RockEnd_ngbRock :: RogueStrip RockEnd RockEnd

  AirCons_nextAir_ngbAir ::
          RogueStrip          (AirCell next')           neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (AirCell (AirCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
  AirCons_nextAir_ngbRock :: Wall ->
          RogueStrip          (AirCell next')            neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (AirCell (AirCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
  AirCons_nextRock_ngbAir :: Wall ->
          RogueStrip          (RockCell next')           neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (AirCell (RockCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
  AirCons_nextRock_ngbRock :: Wall -> Wall ->
          RogueStrip          (RockCell next')            neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (AirCell (RockCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
  RockCons_nextAir_ngbAir :: Wall -> Wall ->
          RogueStrip           (AirCell next')           neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (RockCell (AirCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
  RockCons_nextAir_ngbRock :: Wall ->
          RogueStrip           (AirCell next')            neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (RockCell (AirCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)
  RockCons_nextRock_ngbAir :: Wall ->
          RogueStrip           (RockCell next')           neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (RockCell (RockCell next')) (AirCell neighbourNext)
  RockCons_nextRock_ngbRock ::
          RogueStrip           (RockCell next')            neighbourNext
       -> RogueStrip (RockCell (RockCell next')) (RockCell neighbourNext)

data RogueSList topStrip where
  StripCons :: RogueStrip topStrip nextStrip -> RogueSList nextStrip
                                             -> RogueSList topStrip

data RogueMap where
  RogueMap :: RogueSList top -> RogueMap
于 2013-09-03T16:19:35.013 回答


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, TypeFamilies #-}

module Features where

data CellType = Rock | Air

type family Other (c :: CellType) :: CellType
type instance Other Rock = Air
type instance Other Air = Rock

data Cell (a :: CellType) where
    RockCell :: Cell Rock
    AirCell :: Cell Air

data BoundaryType = Picture | Button

data Boundary (a :: CellType) (b :: CellType) where
    NoBoundary :: Boundary a b
    Boundary :: (b ~ Other a) => BoundaryType -> Boundary a b

data Tile m n e s w where
    Tile :: Cell m ->
            Cell n -> Boundary m n ->
            Cell e -> Boundary m e ->
            Cell s -> Boundary m s ->
            Cell w -> Boundary m w ->
            Tile m n e s w

demo :: Tile Rock Air Air Rock Air
demo = Tile RockCell
            AirCell NoBoundary
            AirCell (Boundary Picture)
            RockCell NoBoundary
            AirCell (Boundary Button)

{- Invalid: -}

demo2 = Tile RockCell
             RockCell (Boundary Picture)
             AirCell (Boundary Button)
             RockCell NoBoundary
             AirCell (Boundary Picture)

 -   Couldn't match type `'Air' with `'Rock'
 -   In the third argument of `Tile', namely `(Boundary Picture)'
 -   In the expression:
 -     Tile
 -       RockCell
 -       RockCell
 -       (Boundary Picture)
 -       AirCell
 -       (Boundary Button)
 -       RockCell
 -       NoBoundary
 -       AirCell
 -       (Boundary Picture)
 -   In an equation for `demo2':
 -       demo2
 -         = Tile
 -             RockCell
 -             RockCell
 -             (Boundary Picture)
 -             AirCell
 -             (Boundary Button)
 -             RockCell
 -             NoBoundary
 -             AirCell
 -             (Boundary Picture)



于 2013-09-03T16:00:39.543 回答

我的版本与 Nicolas 所做的类似,但我在其中包含了对相邻单元格的引用以Boundary制作可遍历的图。我的数据类型是

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

data Material = Rock | Air

data WallFeature = Lever | Picture | Button deriving Show

type family Other (t :: Material) :: Material
type instance Other Air  = Rock
type instance Other Rock = Air

data Tile :: Material -> * where
    RockTile :: Tile Rock
    AirTile  :: Tile Air

data Cell mat where
        :: Tile mat
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat n)
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat s)
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat e)
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat w)
        -> Cell mat

data Boundary (src :: Material) (dst :: Material) where
    Same  :: Cell mat -> Boundary mat mat
    Diff  :: WallFeature -> Cell (Other mat) -> Boundary mat (Other mat)


这本质上是一个有向图,因此在每个相邻单元 A 和 B 之间有一个Boundary matA matB从 A 到 B 的类型边界和一个Boundary matB matA从 B 到 A 的类型边界。这允许邻接关系是不对称的,但实际上,您可以决定在您的代码中使所有关系对称。

现在从理论上讲,这一切都很好而且很花哨,但是构建实际的 Cell图表是相当痛苦的。因此,为了好玩,让我们创建一个 DSL 来强制定义单元格关系,然后“打结”以生成最终图。

由于单元格有不同的类型,您不能简单地将它们存储在临时列表中或Data.Map用于打结,因此我将使用该vault包。AVault是一个类型安全的多态容器,您可以在其中存储任何类型的数据并使用Key类型编码的 a 以类型安全的方式检索它们。因此,例如,如果您有 a ,则可以从 aKey String中检索 a StringVault如果您有 a Key Int,则可以检索一个Int值。

因此,让我们从定义 DSL 中的操作开始。

data Gen a

new :: Tile a -> Gen (Key (Cell a))

connectSame :: Connection a a -> Key (Cell a) -> Key (Cell a) -> Gen ()

    :: (b ~ Other a, a ~ Other b)
    => Connection a b -> WallFeature
    -> Key (Cell a) -> Key (Cell b) -> Gen ()

startFrom :: Key (Cell a) -> Gen (Cell a)


type Setter a b = Maybe (Boundary a b) -> Cell a -> Cell a
type Connection b a = (Setter a b, Setter b a)

north :: Setter a b
south :: Setter a b
east  :: Setter a b
west  :: Setter a b


testMap :: Gen (Cell Rock)
testMap = do
    nw <- new RockTile
    ne <- new AirTile
    se <- new AirTile
    sw <- new AirTile

    connectDiff (west,east) Lever nw ne
    connectSame (north,south) ne se
    connectSame (east,west) se sw
    connectDiff (south,north) Button sw nw

    startFrom nw



type Gen = ReaderT Vault (StateT Vault IO)

基本 monad 是IO因为它是创建新Vault密钥所必需的(我们也可以使用ST,但这有点简单)。我们使用State Vault存储新创建的单元格并为其添加新边界,使用 vault-key 唯一标识一个单元格并在 DSL 操作中引用它。

堆栈中的第三个 monadReader Vault用于访问处于完全构造状态的库。即,当我们在 中构建保险库时State,我们可以使用Reader“展望未来”,其中保险库已经包含所有具有最终边界的单元格。在实践中,这是通过使用mfix获取“monadic 固定点”来实现的(有关更多详细信息,请参见例如论文“Value Recursion in Monadic Computations”MonadFix wiki 页面)。


import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Vault.Lazy as V

runGen :: Gen a -> IO a
runGen g = fmap fst $ mfix $ \(~(_, v)) -> runStateT (runReaderT g v) V.empty

在这里,我们运行有状态的计算并得到一个类型的值,(a, Vault)即计算的结果和包含我们所有单元格的保险库。通过mfix我们可以在计算之前访问结果,因此我们可以将结果库作为参数提供给runReaderT. 因此,在 monad 内部,我们可以使用get(from MonadState) 访问正在构建的不完整库,并使用ask(from MonadReader) 访问完全完成的库。


new :: Tile a -> Gen (Key (Cell a))
new t = do
    k <- liftIO $ newKey
    modify $ V.insert k $ Cell t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
    return k


connectSame :: Connection a a -> Key (Cell a) -> Key (Cell a) -> Gen ()
connectSame (s2,s1) ka kb = do
    v <- ask
    let b1 = fmap Same $ V.lookup kb v
        b2 = fmap Same $ V.lookup ka v
    modify $ adjust (s1 b1) ka . adjust (s2 b2) kb

connectSame通过访问“未来的保险库” ask,我们可以从那里查找相邻的单元格并将其存储在边界中。

    :: (b ~ Other a, a ~ Other b)
    => Connection a b -> WallFeature
    -> Key (Cell a) -> Key (Cell b) -> Gen ()
connectDiff (s2, s1) wf ka kb = do
    v <- ask
    let b1 = fmap (Diff wf) $ V.lookup kb v
        b2 = fmap (Diff wf) $ V.lookup ka v
    modify $ adjust (s1 b1) ka . adjust (s2 b2) kb

connectDiff除了我们提供了额外的墙功能外,几乎相同。我们还需要显式约束(b ~ Other a, a ~ Other b)来构造两个对称边界。

startFrom :: Key (Cell a) -> Gen (Cell a)
startFrom k = fmap (fromJust . V.lookup k) ask



{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Vault.Lazy as V
import Data.Maybe

data Material = Rock | Air

data WallFeature = Lever | Picture | Button deriving Show

type family Other (t :: Material) :: Material
type instance Other Air  = Rock
type instance Other Rock = Air

data Tile :: Material -> * where
    RockTile :: Tile Rock
    AirTile  :: Tile Air

data Cell mat where
        :: Tile mat
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat n)
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat s)
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat e)
        -> Maybe (Boundary mat w)
        -> Cell mat

data Boundary (a :: Material) (b :: Material) where
    Same  :: Cell mat -> Boundary mat mat
    Diff  :: WallFeature -> Cell (Other mat) -> Boundary mat (Other mat)

type Gen = ReaderT Vault (StateT Vault IO)

type Setter a b = Maybe (Boundary a b) -> Cell a -> Cell a
type Connection b a = (Setter a b, Setter b a)

-- Boundary setters
north :: Setter a b
north n (Cell t _ s e w) = Cell t n s e w

south :: Setter a b
south s (Cell t n _ e w) = Cell t n s e w

east :: Setter a b
east e (Cell t n s _ w) = Cell t n s e w

west :: Setter a b
west w (Cell t n s e _) = Cell t n s e w

new :: Tile a -> Gen (Key (Cell a))
new t = do
    k <- liftIO $ newKey
    modify $ V.insert k $ Cell t Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
    return k

connectSame :: Connection a a -> Key (Cell a) -> Key (Cell a) -> Gen ()
connectSame (s2,s1) ka kb = do
    v <- ask
    let b1 = fmap Same $ V.lookup kb v
        b2 = fmap Same $ V.lookup ka v
    modify $ adjust (s1 b1) ka . adjust (s2 b2) kb

    :: (b ~ Other a, a ~ Other b)
    => Connection a b -> WallFeature
    -> Key (Cell a) -> Key (Cell b) -> Gen ()
connectDiff (s2, s1) wf ka kb = do
    v <- ask
    let b1 = fmap (Diff wf) $ V.lookup kb v
        b2 = fmap (Diff wf) $ V.lookup ka v
    modify $ adjust (s1 b1) ka . adjust (s2 b2) kb

startFrom :: Key (Cell a) -> Gen (Cell a)
startFrom k = fmap (fromJust . V.lookup k) ask

runGen :: Gen a -> IO a
runGen g = fmap fst $ mfix $ \(~(_, v)) -> runStateT (runReaderT g v) V.empty

testMap :: Gen (Cell Rock)
testMap = do
    nw <- new RockTile
    ne <- new AirTile
    se <- new AirTile
    sw <- new AirTile

    connectDiff (west,east) Lever nw ne
    connectSame (north,south) ne se
    connectSame (east,west) se sw
    connectDiff (south,north) Button sw nw

    startFrom nw

main :: IO ()
main = do
    c <- runGen testMap
    print c

-- Show Instances

instance Show (Cell mat) where
    show (Cell t n s e w)
        = unwords ["Cell", show t, show n, show s, show e, show w]

instance Show (Boundary a b) where
    show (Same _) = "<Same>"
    show (Diff wf _) = "<Diff with " ++ show wf ++ ">"

instance Show (Tile mat) where
    show RockTile = "RockTile"
    show AirTile = "AirTile"
于 2013-09-04T07:44:48.597 回答