我想在 C++ 中使用 Kinect SDK 实现手指跟踪。我已经处理了很多手势,但我一直停留在手指跟踪上。你能告诉我一些好的库或开源项目来抢占先机吗?我正在使用 Windows 7 64 位系统。任何帮助将不胜感激。
1336 次
2 回答
I don't know of any libraries in c++ that support it out of the box but if you are just looking for a head start or a starting point you might want to look at This or this. Its in c# but it should give you a good idea and it does involve finger detection including directional information.
于 2013-09-01T15:46:12.127 回答
您可以将 OpenCV 与 Kinect SDK 一起用于手指跟踪。这是一个鼓舞人心的视频: http ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xml2S6bvMwI
您还可以查看此链接: 人手中的手指检测
于 2014-01-04T09:14:23.190 回答