Quicksort 的一个众所周知的问题是,当数据集处于或几乎处于排序顺序时,性能会严重下降。在这种情况下,通常非常慢的插入排序很容易成为最佳选择。问题是知道何时使用哪个。
是否有一种算法可用于遍历数据集、应用比较因子并返回关于数据集与排序顺序的接近程度的报告?我更喜欢 Delphi/Pascal,但如果示例不太复杂,我可以阅读其他语言。
还有 SmoothSort,这显然很难实现,但它在 O(N log N) 到 O(N) 之间变化,具体取决于数据开始的排序方式。
长而棘手的 PDF: http ://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/ewd07xx/EWD796a.PDF
但是,如果您的数据确实很大并且您必须连续访问它,那么合并排序可能是最好的。它总是 O(N log N) 并且具有出色的“局部性”特性。
在第二部分的每个项目中,查看该项目是否比第一部分中的最后一个元素 <,如果是,则仅在第一部分中使用插入排序。否则对第二部分中的所有其他项目进行快速排序。这样,排序就针对特定情况进行了优化。
如果您可以快速(索引)访问记录(项目),请在每 N 条记录中抽取 1 条记录的样本,并查看它们是否已经排序。对于小样本应该足够快,然后您可以决定是否使用快速排序。
To make a conceptual point that people haven't yet made: Quicksort is a common-sense divide-and-conquer algorithm with an obvious bug in rare cases. Suppose that you want to sort a stack of student papers. (Which I have to do with some regularity.) In the quicksort algorithm, you pick some paper, the pivot. Then divide the other papers according to whether they are before or after the pivot. Then repeat that with the two subpiles. What's the bug? The pivot could be a name that is near one end of the list instead of in the middle, so that it doesn't accomplish much to divide it into two piles.
Merge sort is another divide-and-conquer algorithm that works in a different order. You can merge two sorted lists in linear time. Divide the papers into two equal or nearly equal piles, then recursively sort each one, then merge. Merge sort doesn't have any bugs. One reason that quicksort is more popular than merge sort is historical: Quicksort is fast (usually) and it works without any extra memory. But these days, it can be more important to save comparisons than to save memory, and the actual rearrangement is often abstracted by permuting pointers. If things had always been that way, then I suspect that merge sort would simply have been more popular than quicksort. (And maybe adding "quick" to the name was good salesmanship.)