我已经到处查看了...如何关闭迷你地图上的 Map / Sat / Ter / Earth 菜单...我的用户可以单击以扩展地图并获取所有选项。但在小版本中没有任何空间给他们......有人有什么想法吗?
这是我的链接生成器(用于 PHP 中的 joomla 2.5):
function getGoogleMapData($data='') {
if (!is_array($data)) {
$data = array();
$data['addr'] = $this->_data->addr;
$data['ville'] = $this->_data->city;
$data['province'] = $this->_data->province;
$data['postal'] = $this->_data->postal;
//Build the address into a string based on the data we have
$gm = array();
$gm['addr'] = '';
$gm['addr'] .= ($data['addr']!='') ? $data['addr'] : '';
$gm['addr'] .= (($gm['addr']!='') && ($data['city']!='')) ? ',' : '';
$gm['addr'] .= ($data['city']!='') ? $data['city'] : '';
$gm['addr'] .= (($gm['addr']!='') && ($data['province']!='')) ? ',' : '';
$gm['addr'] .= ($data['province']!='') ? $data['province'] : '';
$gm['addr'] .= (($gm['addr']!='') && ($data['postal']!='')) ? ',' : '';
$gm['addr'] .= ($data['postal']!='') ? $data['postal'] : '';
$gm['param'] = ($gm['addr']!='') ? urlencode($gm['addr']) : '';
//Use new address string and make URL to google map and a SRC URL for inside iframe (embed)
if ($gm['param']!='') {
//Popup window : &iwloc=A
if (JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()=='en-GB') {
} else if (JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()=='es-ES') {
} else {
$gm['embed'] = sprintf(''.$lang.'&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=%s&t=m&z=14&output=embed', $gm['param'], $gm['param']);
$gm['url'] = sprintf(''.$lang.'&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=%s&t=m&z=14&source=embed', $gm['param'], $gm['param']);
if (JFactory::getApplication()->getName()!='site') {
//Remove adresse popup in iframe if back-end. window too small
$gm['embed'] = str_replace('iwloc=A&', 'iwloc=&', $gm['embed']);
$gm['url'] = str_replace('iwloc=A&', 'iwloc=&', $gm['url']);
return $gm;
} //End of makeGoogleMap()
这部分删除了白色弹出窗口...但是如何防止单击标记并打开... id 更改单击以打开放大版本或总和。
if (JFactory::getApplication()->getName()!='site') {
//Remove adresse popup in iframe if back-end. window too small
$gm['embed'] = str_replace('iwloc=A&', 'iwloc=&', $gm['embed']);
$gm['url'] = str_replace('iwloc=A&', 'iwloc=&', $gm['url']);