我对 Perl 过程非常陌生。我非常享受学习曲线和 Perl,但我非常沮丧,并且在一项任务上花费了很多很多时间,但几乎没有结果。


use strict;
print "Average value of retroviruses for the length of each genome and each of the                     genes:\n"; #create a title for the script
my $infile = "Lab1_table.txt"; # This is the file path.
open INFILE, $infile or die "Can't open $infile: $!"; # Provides an error message if      the file can'tbe found.

# set my initial values.
my $tally = 0;
my @header = ();
my @averages = ();

 # create my first loop to run through the file by line.
while (my $line = <INFILE>){
chomp $line;
print "$line\n";

# add one to the loop and essentially remove the header line of value.
# the first line is what was preventing me from caclulating averages as Perl can't    calculate words.

my @row = split /\t/, $line; # split the file by tab characters.
$tally++; #adds one to the tally.
    if ( $tally == 1 ) { #if the tally = 1 the row is determined as a the header.
    @header = @row;

# if the tally is anything else besides 1 then it will read those rows.
else {
    for( my $i = 1; $i < scalar @row; $i++ )  {
        $averages[$i] += $row[$i];

foreach my $element (@row){

foreach my $i (0..4){
    $averages[$i] = $averages[$i] + $row[1..4];


 print "Average values of genome, gag, pol and env:\n";

 for( my $i = 1; $i < scalar @averages; $i++ ) { # this line is used to determine the      averages of the columns and print the values
print $averages[$i]/($tally-1), "\n";



  foreach my $i (1){
  my $outfile= "Average_values".".txt";
  open OUTFILE, ">$outfile" or die "$outfile: $!";
  print "Average values of genome, gag, pol and env:\n";
  close OUTFILE;    

  close INFILE;



1 回答 1


你没有告诉 Perl 在哪里打印:

print OUTFILE "Average values of genome, gag, pol and env:\n";

顺便说一句,连同use strict,还有use warnings。对于文件的处理,使用词法文件句柄和三个参数形式open

open my $FH, '>', $filename or die $!;
print $FH 'Something';
close $FH or die $!;
于 2013-08-18T07:34:48.777 回答