I am new to eclipse and the interaction between eclipse and maven.

Is it possible to have Maven automatically install Eclipse plugins if the eclipse path is known?

Is it possible to configure specific project settings for each installed plugin when the eclipse project is created? Is it easy to update these configuration settings once the eclipse project is created?

How may I go about this using Maven? Or is it not possible/ideal?


1 回答 1


要安装插件,您必须将插件文件复制到eclipse/plugins文件夹中,如Eclipse wiki中所述

您可以使用 maven 将插件文件/文件夹复制到 eclipse 插件目录。这个问题将展示如何:使用 Maven 复制文件的最佳实践

但是,我不建议使用 maven 来配置 IDE 及其插件,您应该管理您的项目,而不是使用 maven 管理您的 IDE。

于 2012-05-31T21:36:44.230 回答