I would like to compile MuPdf for Android following these Steps. I stuck at building the native code libraries. Following error appears:
"Compile thumb : mupdfcore <= pdf_cmap_table.c
jni/../../pdf/pdf_cmap_table.c:5:35: fatal error:
../generated/cmap_cns.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: ***
[obj/local/armeabi/objs/mupdfcore/__/__/pdf/pdf_cmap_table.o] Error 1
I suppose this file has to be generated, because the command "make generate" shows me following line:
GEN generated/cmap_cns.h ; ./build/debug/cmapdump
It doesn't throws any errors.
I searched my whole hard drive for this file, i can't find it and there is also no generated folder.
Further info:
OS: Win7 Make Command: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm