
我是初学者 cuda 程序员,

我正在尝试构建一个类似于 Nvidia 粒子系统示例的应用程序(立方体中有许多球)。

我有一个内核 louncher 功能如下:

void Ccuda:: sort_Particles_And_Find_Cell_Start (int  *Cell_Start,          // output
                                                             int *Cell_End,                     // output
                                                             float3 *Sorted_Pos,                // output
                                                             float3 *Sorted_Vel,                //output
                                                             int  *Particle_Cell,                   // input
                                                             int  *Particle_Index,          // input
                                                             float3 *Old_Pos,
                                                             float3 *Old_Vel,
                                                             int   Num_Particles, 
                                                             int Num_Cells)
     int numThreads, numBlocks;

     /*Cell_Start = (int*) cudaAlloc (Num_Cells, sizeof(int));
     Cell_End = (int*) cudaAlloc (Num_Cells, sizeof(int));
     Sorted_Pos = (float3*) cudaAlloc (Num_Particles, sizeof(int));
     Sorted_Vel = (float3*) cudaAlloc (Num_Particles, sizeof(int));*/

    int *h_p_cell = (int *) malloc (Num_Particles * sizeof (int));
    cudaMemcpy (h_p_cell,Particle_Cell, Num_Particles*sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    free (h_p_cell);

    computeGridSize(Num_Particles, 512, numBlocks, numThreads);

    sort_Particles_And_Find_Cell_StartD<<<numBlocks, numThreads>>>(Cell_Start,Cell_End, Sorted_Pos, Sorted_Vel, Particle_Cell, Particle_Index, Old_Pos, Old_Vel, Num_Particles);

    h_p_cell = (int *) malloc (Num_Particles * sizeof (int));
    cudaMemcpy (h_p_cell,Particle_Cell, Num_Particles*sizeof(int),cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
    free (h_p_cell);


__global__ void sort_Particles_And_Find_Cell_StartD(int  *Cell_Start,       // output
                                     int *Cell_End,                     // output
                                     float3 *Sorted_Pos,                // output
                                     float3 *Sorted_Vel,                //output
                                     int  *Particle_Cell,       // input
                                     int  *Particle_Index,          // input
                                     float3 *Old_Pos,
                                     float3 *Old_Vel,
                                     int   Num_Particles)
        int hash;
        extern __shared__ int Shared_Hash[];    // blockSize + 1 elements
        int index = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

        if (index < Num_Particles)
             hash = Particle_Cell[index];
             Shared_Hash[threadIdx.x+1] = hash;

            if (index > 0 && threadIdx.x == 0)
                // first thread in block load previous particle hash
                Shared_Hash[0] = Particle_Cell[index-1];


    if (index < Num_Particles)
        // If this particle has a different cell index to the previous
        // particle then it must be the first particle in the cell,
        // so store the index of this particle in the cell.
        // As it isn't the first particle, it must also be the cell end of
        // the previous particle's cell

        if (index == 0 || hash != Shared_Hash[threadIdx.x])     // if its the first thread in the grid or its particle cell index is different from cell index of the previous neighboring thread
            Cell_Start[hash] = index;

            if (index > 0)
                Cell_End[Shared_Hash[threadIdx.x]] = index;

        if (index == Num_Particles - 1)
            Cell_End[hash] = index + 1;

        // Now use the sorted index to reorder the pos and vel data
        int Sorted_Index = Particle_Index[index];
        //float3 pos = FETCH(Old_Pos, Sorted_Index);       // macro does either global read or texture fetch
        //float3 vel = FETCH(Old_Vel, Sorted_Index);       // see particles_kernel.cuh
        float3 pos = Old_Pos[Sorted_Index];
        float3 vel = Old_Vel[Sorted_Index];
        Sorted_Pos[index] = pos;
        Sorted_Vel[index] = vel;

在执行期间,我得到了这个调试错误 massege r6010 说已调用中止。

正如您在 louncher 函数(第一个)中看到的那样,我使用 int *h_p_cell 在内核执行之前和之后查看 Particle_Cell 内容,看起来内容已更改,尽管在内核内部没有分配给 Particle_Cell。在程序 init() 期间由 cudaMemcpy 分配的 Particle_Cell 内存。



1 回答 1



    extern __shared__ int Shared_Hash[];    // blockSize + 1 elements


sort_Particles_And_Find_Cell_StartD<<<numBlocks, numThreads>>>(Cell_Start,Cell_End, Sorted_Pos, Sorted_Vel, Particle_Cell, Particle_Index, Old_Pos, Old_Vel, Num_Particles);
                                                missing shared memory size parameter


sort_Particles_And_Find_Cell_StartD<<<numBlocks, numThreads, ((numThreads+1)*sizeof(int))>>>(Cell_Start,Cell_End, Sorted_Pos, Sorted_Vel, Particle_Cell, Particle_Index, Old_Pos, Old_Vel, Num_Particles);

此错误将导致您的内核在尝试访问共享内存时中止。您还应该对所有 cuda API 调用和内核调用进行cuda 错误检查。我在您的代码中没有看到任何证据。

整理完所有 API 错误后,使用cuda-memcheck. 意外写入的原因Particle_Cell可能是内核的越界访问,这在cuda-memcheck.

于 2013-08-15T02:49:29.163 回答