在 iOS 6 下,当使用外部蓝牙键盘和在模拟器中工作时,UITextView 尊重向上和向下箭头键。在 iOS 7 下,向上和向下箭头键不再做任何事情,尽管向左和向右箭头键仍然移动光标。

在 iOS 7 下,如何在 UITextView 中支持外部键盘的向上和向下箭头键?


3 回答 3


我不知道在 iOS 7 中是否有意省略了向上和向下箭头键支持。这是一种恢复大约 95% 丢失功能的方法。请注意,这个子类UITextView还纠正了 iOS 7 中滚动文本视图导致其疯狂跳跃的一些问题。我已经看到它从一个长文件的中间跳转到文件的末尾。


#define SYSTEM_VERSION_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO(v)  ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:v options:NSNumericSearch] != NSOrderedAscending)

@implementation ArrowKeyTextView

- (id) initWithFrame: (CGRect) frame {
    self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
    if (self) {
        // This has nothing to do with support for arrow keys, but it does fix a number of issues with scrolling in iOS 7.
            self.layoutManager.allowsNonContiguousLayout = NO;
    return self;

- (NSArray *) keyCommands {
    UIKeyCommand *upArrow = [UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput: UIKeyInputUpArrow modifierFlags: 0 action: @selector(upArrow:)];
    UIKeyCommand *downArrow = [UIKeyCommand keyCommandWithInput: UIKeyInputDownArrow modifierFlags: 0 action: @selector(downArrow:)];
    return [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: upArrow, downArrow, nil];

- (void) upArrow: (UIKeyCommand *) keyCommand {
    UITextRange *range = self.selectedTextRange;
    if (range != nil) {
        float lineHeight = self.font.lineHeight;

        CGRect caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
        if (isinf(caret.origin.y)) {
            // Work-around for a bug in iOS 7 that returns bogus values when the caret is at the start of a line.
            range = [self textRangeFromPosition: range.start toPosition: [self positionFromPosition: range.start offset: 1]];
            caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
            caret.origin.y = caret.origin.y + lineHeight;
        caret.origin.y = caret.origin.y - lineHeight < 0 ? 0 : caret.origin.y - lineHeight;
        caret.size.width = 1;
        UITextPosition *position = [self closestPositionToPoint: caret.origin];
        self.selectedTextRange = [self textRangeFromPosition: position toPosition: position];

        caret = [self firstRectForRange: self.selectedTextRange];
        if (isinf(caret.origin.y)) {
            // Work-around for a bug in iOS 7 that occurs when the range is set to a position past the end of the last character
            // on a line.
            NSRange range = {0, 0};
            range.location = [self offsetFromPosition: self.beginningOfDocument toPosition: position];
            self.selectedRange = range;

- (void) downArrow: (UIKeyCommand *) keyCommand {
    UITextRange *range = self.selectedTextRange;
    if (range != nil) {
        float lineHeight = self.font.lineHeight;

        CGRect caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
        if (isinf(caret.origin.y)) {
            // Work-around for a bug in iOS 7 that returns bogus values when the caret is at the start of a line.
            range = [self textRangeFromPosition: range.start toPosition: [self positionFromPosition: range.start offset: 1]];
            caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
            caret.origin.y = caret.origin.y + lineHeight;
        caret.origin.y = caret.origin.y + lineHeight < 0 ? 0 : caret.origin.y + lineHeight;
        caret.size.width = 1;
        UITextPosition *position = [self closestPositionToPoint: caret.origin];
        self.selectedTextRange = [self textRangeFromPosition: position toPosition: position];

        caret = [self firstRectForRange: self.selectedTextRange];
        if (isinf(caret.origin.y)) {
            // Work-around for a bug in iOS 7 that occurs when the range is set to a position past the end of the last character
            // on a line.
            NSRange range = {0, 0};
            range.location = [self offsetFromPosition: self.beginningOfDocument toPosition: position];
            self.selectedRange = range;

于 2013-10-08T22:04:48.743 回答

这对我有用,除了 downArrow 中的这一部分:

    CGRect caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
    if (isinf(caret.origin.y)) {
        // Work-around for a bug in iOS 7 that returns bogus values when the caret is at the start of a line.
        range = [self textRangeFromPosition: range.start toPosition: [self positionFromPosition: range.start offset: 1]];
        caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
        caret.origin.y = caret.origin.y + lineHeight;


    CGRect caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
    // Work-around for a bug in iOS 7 that returns bogus values when the caret is at the start of a line.
    range = [self textRangeFromPosition: range.start toPosition: [self positionFromPosition: range.start offset: 1]];
    caret = [self firstRectForRange: range];
    caret.origin.y = caret.origin.y + lineHeight;


于 2013-10-14T22:27:03.770 回答

似乎该问题已在 iOS 7.0.3 中得到修复,并且箭头键可以按预期移动光标。

于 2013-11-29T22:46:55.593 回答