I am developing a project using core data, data is stored in local device. I have two questions: First, I wonder Should I have to add data by using simulator or other way? Can I use excel to input data then export to CSV file, afterward import to core data project?

Second question, when I modify entity in data.xcdatamodel file, I have to clear my project, all data is lost! So, when the project is big, how can I modify entities, and also keep data, and don’t have to clear project.

Any advice would be appreciated!


1 回答 1



1.) 如何预加载和导入现有数据签出:
CIMGF - 轻松导入数据
Ray Wenderlich - 如何预加载和导入现有数据

2.) 核心数据版本控制,查看:
Apple - 核心数据模型版本控制和数据迁移
Ray Wenderlich - 如何执行轻量级核心数据迁移


于 2013-08-08T06:54:54.973 回答