I am at a complete loss here. I have two databases. One on my localhost site that I use for development and one on my remote site that I use for my live (production) site. I manage both of them through phpMyadmin. As I have been doing for months now, when I need to update the live site, I dump the related database and import the database from my localhost site.
Now, no matter what I try, I keep getting this error:
Error SQL query:
-- Dumping data for table `oc_address_type`
INSERT INTO `oc_address_type` ( `address_type_id` , `address_type_name` )
VALUES ( 1, 'Billing' ) , ( 2, 'Shipping' ) ;
MySQL said: Documentation
#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
I tried creating a new blank database on my localhost and importing into that but same results. I have validated all of the tables and indexes and cannot find anything wrong there.
Any suggestions please as I am completely down until this gets resolved.
By the way, I am completely dropping all tables and importing structure and data. This has always worked until today.