I'm using WIX installer and trying to delete the installation of a program. The problem is that I have an incorrect reference count .

I'll try to be more specific- I have 2 computers on the first one when I install and then uninstall - everything is being deleted (when I enter the register editor - the dlls are deleted) on the second computer - some of the dlls stay! even when I uninstall the program. when I look at the register editor- their reference count is (1) ..

how can I fix it? I can change it but It's only for this computer... is there a way to change that? what can \need I add to Wix if I wan't it to update me that not all dlls were deleted? how can I do that?

thank you!


1 回答 1


就在您卸载该 dll 的引用计数之前,它必须为 1。

是的。您可以将引用计数更改为 1,您将解决该问题。在注册表编辑器中使用修改。

如果您希望卸载更新您并非所有 dll 都已删除,您需要扫描注册表以获取该特定 dll 的引用计数。有不止一种方法可以做到这一点。我建议您编写一个单独的实用程序,您可以在安装后运行它并输出特定 dll 的引用计数(如果存在)。

于 2013-01-03T23:51:41.407 回答