I'm upgrading my webshop and it involves doing some changes in my product url's (because of SEO optimizing). Since there doesn't seem to be anyway of migrating likes from one url to another and "tricking" the likes to the old url with 301 redirecting is out of the question, i was trying to get a list of the top 20-30 liked urls so i could then loop the result to find the amount of likes, shares etc.

I have already built a small script that finds the like, share etc count for a certain url, but i am unable to find out what the most liked url's are!

Thanks a bunch!


1 回答 1


这是可能的,但并不容易。您需要像这样构建一个 FQL 查询:

SELECT url, normalized_url, share_count, like_count, comment_count, total_count
FROM link_stat 
WHERE url IN ("example.com/url1", "example.com/url2", ... "example.com/urln")
ORDER BY like_count DESC
于 2012-09-05T12:53:06.433 回答