Hi i have a very specific problem which i cant find a solution for: im creating list items in an unordered list in the html-file and trying to add an onmousedown-function which should pass a mouseevent and the id of the field as parameter
for (var i=0;i<10;i++){
$('ul').append('<li id='+i+'>text</li>');
$(i).on('mousedown', function(event){ Callfunction(i,event);});
Callfunction(i, event){
alert(i,' ',event);
unfortunately only the maximal iterator(i=9) gets passed by each function
i think this has to do with how .on()
does a workaround exist? maybe by forcing parameter i in Callfunction(i,event);
to be the actual string?
I need the function to be implemented via .on() or .bind() because have to be able to remove the click-functionality later. please try to keep it simple, im still a beginner. thanks edit: typo