
vy += gravity
ball.y += vy


if (ball.y + ball.radius > bottom) {
ball.y = bottom - ball.radius;
vy *= -1;

但是,我希望这是 100% 准确的。要做到这一点,ball.y 需要稍微高于地面,它的速度将略低于 -vy,因为重力已经开始减慢它。如何计算这些更准确的值?

地下的距离将是ball.y + ball.radius - bottom。所以必须有一个公式可以将其转换为地面以上的距离,我认为是ball.y = (2 * bottom) - ball.y - 2*ball.radius;



3 回答 3





// calculate new position
ball.x += ball.vx;
ball.y += ball.vy;

// bounce Y (don't bounce on top)
if (ball.y >= bottom - ball.radius) {
    ball.y = bottom - ball.radius; // (!) GROUND LIMIT
    ball.vy = -(ball.vy * ball.elasticity);

// bounce X
if ((ball.x >= right - ball.radius) || (ball.x <= left + ball.radius)) {

    ball.x = (ball.x < (left + ball.radius) ? (left + ball.radius) : (right - ball.radius));
    ball.vx = -(ball.vx * ball.elasticity);

// compute gravity
ball.vy += gravity;

// compute frictions
ball.vx *= airDrag;
ball.vy *= airDrag;
if (ball.y >= (bottom - ball.radius)) {
    ball.vx *= groundFriction;


  • ball.elasticity: 恢复系数;
  • airDrag: 阻力系数;
  • groundFriction: 在地面上运动时施加的摩擦力。

上述所有变量均由 0 到 1 的值表示。最接近 1 的值表示弹性更大、空气阻力更小、摩擦更小。最接近 0 的值意味着弹性更小、空气阻力更大和摩擦更大。

高级物理模拟 - 如果您受到鼓励并且对物理和数学有基本的了解:


另一个改进是使用基于数值积分的更精确算法来计算速度。这是比较游戏开发中最常用的集成方法的一个很好的示例:http: //codeflow.org/entries/2010/aug/28/integration-by-example-euler-vs-verlet-vs-runge-kutta/#


于 2013-07-04T19:54:25.890 回答

There are several factors that affect a falling object as it hits the ground

You can adjust for the loss of energy during a bounce by adding a "restitution" factor.

Essentially, restitution represents the bounciness of the ball and ranges from 0-1.

Restitution==0 means the ball doesn't bounce at all--it stops on the ground like a bowling ball.

Restitution==1 means the ball doesn't lose any velocity at all during a bounce.

To implement restitution, you just multiply velocity by restitution:

vy *= restitutionFactor;

If your ball is dropping at an angle, you might also consider implementing "friction" which is an adjustment to directional velocity during a bounce.

Friction represents the loss of directional velocity when your rough ball "rubs" on the floor.

Friction is represented by values from 0 to 1 and is implemented like restitution:

vx *= frictionFactor;

A step-by-step illustration

Assume on Frame#1 the ball has not bounced and is above the ground.

Assume on Frame#2 the ball has bounced and is back in the air.

You have these calculations to make to get Frame#2 ball position.

(1) Save the ball's initial position and initial velocity (we'll need them later):

startingY = ball.y;
startingVelocity = vy;

(2) The ball uses part of the Frame-time to drop to the ground:

ball.y = bottom;

(3) The ball hits the ground and reverses velocity:

vy* = -1;

(4) The new upward velocity is adjusted by restitution and friction:

vy *= restitution;
vx *= friction;     // if moving at an angle

(5) The ball used part of this frame-time moving downward, so the ball gets less than a full frame-time worth of upward velocity:

downtime = ( bottom - startingY ) / startingVelocity;
uptime = (1 - downtime);

(6) The ball bounces upward for the appropriate fraction of a frame and at the new velocity:

ball.y += vy * uptime;

There's another factor you can introduce--ball "smush".

Smush means the ball becomes temporarily flat on its bottom when hitting the ground.

During smush, velocity is suspended. So smush is a delay-time.

Smush varies with the resilience of your ball...more resilience == more smush delay.

You adjust for smush by reducing the "uptime" that the ball can use to move upward.

Revisiting step#5:

uptime = (1 - downtime - smushtime);

These are the standard adjustments to a moving ball...enjoy!

于 2013-07-04T17:34:37.020 回答



您唯一需要的是使“反弹”指数化,因此它不能穿透地面,因为您仅在球“足够接近地面” 而不是低于或确切位置之后应用该加速度。


然后让这种加速发挥作用,而不是摆弄许多 if 语句和特殊计算。事实上,由于泡利不相容原理+电磁,它实际上是一种加速。

vy += gravity
    vy-=bounce      //this bounce will be calculated as F=bConstant/pow(distance,3.0f)
                    // bConstant is a small number that you try and choose
                    //That power does not have to be 3. You can try different values.
ball.y += vy


即使在现实世界中,您也无法做到 %100 准确。将您的时间步长减少到尽可能低的值。不要直接将加速度添加到速度。在您的示例中,您的时间步长为 1(直接将加速度添加到速度)。

让我们有更小的时间步长(例如 0.1f)以获得更稳定和更准确的运动:

timeStep = 0.1f;
vy += gravity * timeStep;
    vy-=bounce * timeStep     
            //this bounce will be calculated as F=bConstant/pow(distance,3.0f)
            // bConstant is a small number that you try and choose
           //That power does not have to be 3. You can try different values.
ball.y += vy * timeStep

此外,使用时间步长可以根据游戏的 FPS 使用正确的加速度和位移。(时间步长 = 1/ FPS)

位移的积分主要有三种。Euler 积分、Verlet 积分和 Runge-Kutta 积分。您使用的是非常简单的欧拉版本。最快但不稳定/不准确。

当你使用数千个相互弹跳的球时,你可以用谷歌搜索 Verlet 和 Runge-Kutta。

于 2013-07-05T15:27:53.917 回答