我对这个 Yii 框架还是很陌生,我希望得到有关此代码的帮助。我目前设法获得一个依赖于另一个下拉列表的下拉列表,但我似乎无法让下拉列表影响 ClistView 中显示的内容。
/* add a team message submitted by the coach of the team */
public function actionAddTeamMessage($id)
/* check if team and message aren't null */
/* creates a new message */
$teamModel = new TeamMessage;
$teamModel->teamId = $_POST['teamId'];
$teamModel->content = $_POST['addTeamMessage'];
$teamModel->sendTime = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
catch(Exception $e)
echo "Unable to save.";
/* render the profile page for the current user */
$this->render('profile', array(
'model' => $user));
/* will handle functionality for the user dropdownlist ajax
* under contructions
public function actionDisplayMessage()
$data = TeamMessage::model()->findAll('teamId=:teamId', array(
':teamId'=>(int) $_POST['teamId']
$data=CHtml::listData($data,'id', 'content');
echo "<option value=''>Select Message</option>";
foreach($data as $value=>$content)
echo CHtml::tag('option', array('value'=>$value),CHtml::encode($content),true);
//TODO still being tested.
/* for ClistView still debugging */
/*$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Player', array(
<!-- Would allow user to access specific team messages and control how much gets display.
still under construction. -->
<div class="row">
echo CHtml::dropDownList("teamId", 'id', Chtml::listData($model->memberOfTeams, 'id', 'teamName'),array(
'empty'=>'Select Team',
'type'=>'POST', // request type
'update'=>'#teamMessages', // selector to update
echo CHtml::dropDownList('teamMessages','',array(),array('empty'=>'Select Message'));
/*$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
正如您在 cListView 中看到的那样。我正在讨论创建一个 _viewTeamMessage,它将显示团队消息 + 发送时间。但我意识到,如果不重新渲染页面,我将无法传递数据提供者,并且我试图避免朝那个方向前进。