我在图像点击时加载 nivo 滑块,但我真的需要它加载到图像所在的特定幻灯片,而不是每次都加载第一张幻灯片。
我将在这里发布一些代码,但也在这里上传了一个工作示例:http: //caseymmiller.com/tests/dayOfPeachtree/test.html
function parseRunners(xml) {
gridID = $(this).attr("id");
name = $(this).find("name").text();
from = $(this).find("from").text();
yearsRun = $(this).find("yrsrun").text();
age = $(this).find("age").text();
tweet = $(this).find("tweet").text();
slideID = gridID + "div";
jumpID = gridID + "jump";
//caption = '<div class="nivo-caption" ><p><b>From:</b> '+from+'</p><p><b>Age:</b> '+age+'</p><p><b>Years running the Peachtree:</b> '+yearsRun+'</p><p><b>What would you tweet right now?</b></p><p>'+tweet+'</p></div>';
imgSrc = $(this).attr("url");
lilImg = '<a id="' + jumpID + '"><img src="' + imgSrc + '" width="130px" height="130px"/><div><h3>' + name + '</h3></div></a>';
bigImg = '<img src="' + imgSrc + '" width="260px" height="260px"/>';
$('<li><div id="' + gridID + '">' + lilImg + '</div></li>').appendTo('.cbp-rfgrid');
$('<a href="' + jumpID + '"><div id="' + slideID + '"><img src="' + imgSrc + '" data-thumb="' + imgSrc + '" alt="" style="display:inline;"/></div></a>').appendTo('#slider');
//$('<div id="'+ slideID +'"><p><b>From:</b> '+from+'</p><p><b>Age:</b> '+age+'</p><p><b>Years running the Peachtree:</b> '+yearsRun+'</p><p><b>What would you tweet right now?</b></p><p>'+tweet+'</p></div>').appendTo('#inside');
//$('<div id="' + slideID + '"><p><b>From:</b> '+from+'</p><p><b>Age:</b> '+age+'</p><p><b>Years running the Peachtree:</b> '+yearsRun+'</p><p><b>What would you tweet right now?</b></p><p>'+tweet+'</p></div>').appendTo('.nivo-html-caption');
$('#' +slideID).append('<p><b>From:</b> '+from+'</p><p><b>Age:</b> '+age+'</p><p><b>Years running the Peachtree:</b> '+yearsRun+'</p><p><b>What would you tweet right now?</b></p><p>'+tweet+'</p>');
$(window).load(function() {
//make image grid click to open lightbox
//close lightbox
<ul class="cbp-rfgrid">
<!--This is where the images get rendered -->
<!--slider info-->
<div class="slider-wrapper theme-default">
<div id="slider" class="nivoSlider">
<div class="nivo-html-caption">
<!--<div id="block"></div>-->
<!--end slider info-->