I have been using Matlab to capture images from an uEye Camera at regular intervals and use them for processing. The following is the small piece of code that I am using to achieve that,
h=actxcontrol('UEYECAM.uEyeCamCtrl.1','position',[250 100 640 480]);
check = 1;
str_old = 'img000.jpeg';
m = h.SaveImage('img000.jpeg');
And following are the images captured by the camera. There was no change in the lighting conditions outside but you can notice the difference in the intensity levels in the image captured by the camera.
Is there any reason for this?
Solved thanks to Zaphod
Allow sometime for the camera to adjust its exposure. I did it by moving the pause
statement to just after the InitCamera()
command to delay the image capture by the
camera and give it enough time to adjust itself.