
I have 2 forms which consist of:


2buttons named: btnCopy and btnPaste (with functions inside like rtb.Copy(); and rtb.Paste(); that should work for richtextbox in Form2)


1richtextbox named: rtb

My question was: How can I communicate between the 2buttons from Form1 (with its functions) and the richtextbox in Form2.

like: When I type text inside richtextbox(rtb) in Form2 then i SelectAll text then I Press the CopyButton(btnCopy) from Form1, text should be copied same as when I Press PasteButton(btnPaste) from Form1, text that has been copied should be Paste in RichTextBox(rtb) that could be Found on Form2 .

How can I do that?


4 回答 4


假设您拥有Form1ToolStrip Button命名PasteToolStripButton为:

  public partial class Form1 : Form
    Form2 formChild;

    public Form1()
        this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load);

    void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
       formChild = new Form2();
       formChild.MdiParent = this;

   private void CopyToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        formChild.CopyText(); // Method to copy Rich Text Box in Form2

    private void PasteToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        formChild.PasteText(); // Method in Form2 to Paste to the RichTextBox in Form2



  public void PasteText()
     rtbChild.Text = Clipboard.GetText(); // this one simulates the rtb.Paste()

  public void CopyText()

我还将RichTextBoxin命名Form2为,rtbChild因此每次单击时,例如 paste in 都会复制到您的RichTextBoxin 中Form2

于 2013-06-10T04:37:21.363 回答

在 Form1 上创建一个公共属性,然后从 Form2 设置它。编辑:在 Form1:公共字符串 TextForRTB {get; 放;}

在 Form2 上:Form1 a = new Form1(); a.TextForRtb = rtb.Text;

于 2013-06-10T04:29:14.083 回答

Sol1:将一种形式传递给另一种形式,就像Form1(Form parent){....}在构造函数中一样,那么您应该会看到它的公共属性和方法。



于 2013-06-10T04:35:39.737 回答

您可以公开 2 种方法GetRichTextBoxContentSetRichTextBoxContentForm2. 这将更新richTextBoxin的内容Form2


注意:这里的主要想法是您如何Instance获得Form2. 获取该实例取决于您的实现。

public class Form2 : Form
    public string GetRichTextBoxContent()
        return this.richTextBox1.Text;

    public void SetRichTextBoxContent(string content)
        this.richTextBox1.Text = content;

public class Form1 : Form
    //Based on your implementation 
    Form2 form2 = new Form2();

    private void Button_CopyClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var contentFromRtb = form2.GetRichTextBoxContent();
    private void Button_PasteClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var someContent = "Content to be copied to text box"
        form2.SetRichTextBoxContent(someContent );
于 2013-06-10T04:35:56.857 回答