I am a beginner to AspectJ. I am using it to take screenshots in my webdriver programs. Following is my package structure.

Project Structure

I want to know that how do I run my programs in Browser class so that it uses AspectJ aspects defined in the Screenshots class.

Right now when I run my tests as TestNG tests in eclipse the aspects do not run.


1 回答 1

  1. 确保您已安装 AspectJ 开发工具插件
  2. 使用上下文菜单配置/转换为 AspectJ 项目将您的项目转换为 AspectJ 项目

您的项目现在应该使用内部方面工作。如果这些方面是外部的 - 将它们放在你的类路径上。

于 2013-06-05T21:12:59.477 回答