
您认为 Java 中有哪些好的编程实践?






5 回答 5


There are several ways to look at 'good coding practices'

  • Coding styles/idioms that is less prone to errors and guard against introducing new errors, thus leading to 'correct' code
  • Coing styles/idioms that are easier for others to read and maintain

In the first case, programmers adopt certain styles to guard themselves against introducing 'accidental' errors that can sneak into their code:

for Example in C, the following code is valid (but has a subtle bug)

if (x = 1)  // always evaluates to 'true' (programmer meant '==', not '=')
   // do something

so, in order to force the compiler to catch this error, you could adopt a style such as

if (1 == x) // if you accidentally typed '1 = x' the compiler will flag an error
   // do something 

Such styles/idioms are regarded as 'good' practices and there a quite a few that can be found for Java in books like 'Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (Robert C. Martin'

Regarding the second case, writing 'this.xxx' enables the reader of the code to differentiate between a local/instance variable, so in the spirit of code readability, it is marginally better than directly referencing the variable as 'xxx'.

于 2012-12-01T10:40:28.887 回答

我的建议是this在有助于解决潜在歧义时使用。 this.当您需要使用成员变量而不是同名的本地方法参数时需要。

使用 whwn 的情况是这样的:

public class ravi {

    public int x;
    public static float y;    

    public float getX(int x) {
        return this.x;
于 2012-12-01T10:24:51.387 回答


public void setField(Field pField) {
    field = pField; // instead of this.field = field, assuming field was the method argument.
于 2012-12-01T10:25:53.137 回答

如果您选择参数名称的拼写方式与您的类成员完全相同,我只会在构造函数和 setter 函数中使用 this.xx 进行赋值。例如:

public void setName(String name)
     this.name = name;


在一个类中,不要写 this.xxx(尽管在语法上仍然是正确的),特别是如果你只想获得它的值。例如,以下是“丑陋的”:

public String getFullName()
     return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

只需返回 firstName + " " + lastName; 这样写的少。

你会遇到比是否写 this.xxx 更重要的决定,比如是否使用内联函数或将它们作为类的单独函数,或者决定一个类是“是”还是“有”班级。

于 2012-12-01T14:09:50.450 回答

对于一般编码约定,这是一本好书:Java 风格元素http://www.ambysoft.com/books/elementsJavaStyle.html

于 2012-12-01T14:01:47.033 回答