我需要在我的 magento 项目上使用外部 Web 服务。谁能指导我如何在 magento 中调用一个简单的 Web 服务?


1 回答 1


All of Zend framework is available which includes an HTTP client. But there is nothing to stop you using any existing PHP method, like cURL or file_get_contents with an URI. Personally I prefer Guzzle for it's persistent connections and caching.

Addendum. Since you seem to require a SOAP client perhaps you can use the well known SoapClient. Pass the URI of a relevant WSDL file to the constructor, it can be local or remote.
This has nothing to do with Magento of course, it is plain PHP, if you have a specific question about accessing SOAP then please start a new question.

于 2012-12-01T11:04:33.940 回答