I've got a commercial SaaS application, an online collaboration/lean project mgmt tool. I want to offer a "Community Edition", with specific limitations on how the software can be used, for free. For example

  • free for groups using it to manage open source projects
  • free to K-12 teachers to use in the classroom
  • free for authors collaborating on Lean/Kanban/AgileSoftwareDevelopment books and research papers.
  • free for community conference organizers, user group organizers, etc.

The license would grant use of the software with limitations. The software itself can enforce limitations on the number of users/projects. I'm looking for a license agreement / EULA that I can use to specify what uses the software can be used for (see above). It would restrict the users from using it in different ways, such as for commercial use, managing consulting projects, client work, etc.

I've been combing the web for good examples of such agreements, and so far coming up short. Any ideas? To be clear, this would not be an open source license of any kind. It would cover the use of commercial software, for specific "community" uses, as we define them.


4 回答 4


I'd pay a lawyer and have him write up the EULA.

You'll forget something, or have some sort of loophole you won't notice.

It's always best to ask for legal advice from a lawyer.

于 2009-11-07T19:47:38.573 回答

看看 Atlassian 或 JetBrains 是如何做到的。他们为开源项目和项目提交者提供 Jira 实例/IntellijIDEA 许可证,并且长期以来一直这样做并取得了巨大成功。

于 2010-05-04T16:03:34.150 回答


于 2010-05-04T16:06:53.003 回答

您可能会比从服务条款文件开始做得更糟。一些公司和产品已将其 TOS 置于 Creative Commons 许可下,因此您可以自由使用它来开始。例如,你可以看看Wordpress中的那个。

于 2010-04-29T12:40:36.000 回答