I do not have much experience with Python and need to figure out a few things regarding buffering:
I want to generate a list in which I can allocate a certain amount of "buffer" space (do not know the specifics on this), to generate a list of integers. If the 'buffer' gets full I'm assuming it needs a flush command? Or how would you clear the buffer to continue putting things into that buffer?
Here is a sample of my code:
for i in range(0,500):
randoms = random.randint(0,100000)
What I would want is in looplist, to be a sort of buffer I assume? in which if the maximum buffer space in looplist gets full, it would need to clear out (is there a pause during that time? or what happens) the list to continue re-generating integers to that list/ buffer.
Part 2 question: Would like explanation as simple of how a buffer could work for python? or does memory management of python just disable need to allocate own buffers? (can we still do it if we want too?)
I will edit my question if it seems to broad scope, trying to be as descriptive as I know how.