我正在开发一个暂时依赖 3D 纹理的 Unity3D 项目。

问题是,Unity 只允许 Pro 用户使用 Texture3D。因此,我正在寻找 Texture3D 的替代品,可能是在着色器中被解释为 3 维的一维纹理(尽管 Unity 中不提供原生纹理)(使用 3D 纹理)。


(添加了 GLSL 和 Cg 标签,因为这里是问题的核心)

编辑:这里也解决了这个问题:webgl glsl emulate texture3d 但是这还没有完成并且工作正常。

编辑:目前我忽略了适当的亚像素信息。因此,对于将 2D 纹理转换为包含 3D 信息的任何帮助,我们将不胜感激!


    float2 uvFromUvw( float3 uvw ) {
        float2 uv = float2(uvw.x, uvw.y / _VolumeTextureSize.z);
        uv.y += float(round(uvw.z * (_VolumeTextureSize.z - 1))) / _VolumeTextureSize.z;
        return uv;

初始化为 Texture2D(volumeWidth, volumeHeight * volumeDepth)。



3 回答 3


如果有帮助,我会将其用于我的 3D 云:

float   SampleNoiseTexture( float3 _UVW, float _MipLevel )
    float2  WrappedUW = fmod( 16.0 * (1000.0 + _UVW.xz), 16.0 );    // UW wrapped in [0,16[

    float   IntW = floor( WrappedUW.y );                // Integer slice number
    float   dw = WrappedUW.y - IntW;                    // Remainder for intepolating between slices

    _UVW.x = (17.0 * IntW + WrappedUW.x + 0.25) * 0.00367647058823529411764705882353;   // divided by 17*16 = 272

    float4  Value = tex2D( _TexNoise3D, float4( _UVW.xy, 0.0, 0.0 ) );

    return lerp( Value.x, Value.y, dw );

“3D 纹理”在 272x16 纹理中打包为 16 个 17 像素宽的切片,每个切片的第 17 列是第 1 列的副本(换行地址模式)...当然,不允许使用 mip-mapping这种技术。

于 2013-07-20T13:36:02.663 回答

这是我用来创建 3D 纹理的代码,如果这让您感到困扰的话:

static const    NOISE3D_TEXTURE_POT = 4;

// <summary>
// Create the "3D noise" texture
// To simulate 3D textures that are not available in Unity, I create a single long 2D slice of (17*16) x 16
// The width is 17*16 so that all 3D slices are packed into a single line, and I use 17 as a single slice width
//  because I pad the last pixel with the first column of the same slice so bilinear interpolation is correct.
// The texture contains 2 significant values in Red and Green :
//      Red is the noise value in the current W slice
//      Green is the noise value in the next W slice
//  Then, the actual 3D noise value is an interpolation of red and green based on the W remainder
// </summary>
protected NuajTexture2D Build3DNoise()
    // Build first noise mip level
    for ( int W=0; W < NOISE3D_TEXTURE_SIZE; W++ )
        for ( int V=0; V < NOISE3D_TEXTURE_SIZE; V++ )
            for ( int U=0; U < NOISE3D_TEXTURE_SIZE; U++ )
                NoiseValues[U,V,W] = (float) SimpleRNG.GetUniform();

    // Build actual texture
    int MipLevel = 0;  // In my original code, I build several textures for several mips...
    int MipSize = NOISE3D_TEXTURE_SIZE >> MipLevel;
    int Width = MipSize*(MipSize+1);    // Pad with an additional column
    Color[] Content = new Color[MipSize*Width];

    // Build content
    for ( int W=0; W < MipSize; W++ )
        int Offset = W * (MipSize+1);   // W Slice offset
        for ( int V=0; V < MipSize; V++ )
            for ( int U=0; U <= MipSize; U++ )
                Content[Offset+Width*V+U].r = NoiseValues[U & (MipSize-1),V,W];
                Content[Offset+Width*V+U].g = NoiseValues[U & (MipSize-1),V,(W+1) & (MipSize-1)];

    // Create texture
    NuajTexture2D   Result = Help.CreateTexture( "Noise3D", Width, MipSize, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false, FilterMode.Bilinear, TextureWrapMode.Repeat );
    Result.SetPixels( Content, 0 );
    Result.Apply( false, true );

    return Result;
于 2013-09-02T19:09:57.603 回答

我遵循了 Patapoms 的回应并得出以下结论。然而,它仍然关闭,因为它应该是。

float getAlpha(float3 position)
    float2  WrappedUW = fmod( _Volume.xz * (1000.0 + position.xz), _Volume.xz );    // UW wrapped in [0,16[

    float   IntW = floor( WrappedUW.y );                // Integer slice number
    float   dw = WrappedUW.y - IntW;                    // Remainder for intepolating between slices

    position.x = ((_Volume.z + 1.0) * IntW + WrappedUW.x + 0.25) / ((_Volume.z + 1.0) * _Volume.x);   // divided by 17*16 = 272

    float4  Value = tex2Dlod( _VolumeTex, float4( position.xy, 0.0, 0.0 ) );

    return lerp( Value.x, Value.y, dw );

public int GetPixelId(int x, int y, int z) {
    return y * (volumeWidth + 1) * volumeDepth + z * (volumeWidth + 1) + x;

             // Code to set the pixelbuffer one pixel at a time starting from a clean slate
            pixelBuffer[GetPixelId(x, y, z)].r = color.r;

            if (z > 0)
                pixelBuffer[GetPixelId(x, y, z - 1)].g = color.r;

            if (z == volumeDepth - 1 || z == 0)
                pixelBuffer[GetPixelId(x, y, z)].g = color.r;

            if (x == 0) {
                pixelBuffer[GetPixelId(volumeWidth, y, z)].r = color.r;
                if (z > 0)
                    pixelBuffer[GetPixelId(volumeWidth, y, z - 1)].g = color.r;

                if (z == volumeDepth - 1 || z == 0)
                    pixelBuffer[GetPixelId(volumeWidth, y, z)].g = color.r;
于 2013-08-31T12:54:21.450 回答