我正在编写一个关于处理的 2d 游戏库,我目前正在处理事物的物理方面。我有一个名为 Object 的类 - 用于操作图像。我希望能够将我的物理类“附加”到对象类 - 这样我就可以通过对象访问所有物理函数,即:
//Scroll to left to see more of comments
class Object extends Game{ //It's worth pointing out that all of my classes extend a Game class
Object(String name){ //A way to add an image to my Object and initialise the class fully
PImage image = loadImage(name);
void attachPhysics(){ //I want to be able to call this so that I can directly access functions in the Physics class
class Physics extends Game { //My Physics class also extends the Game class
//Main initialisation here
void projectile(int angle, int speed, int drag){
//Projectile code goes here
//Scroll to left to see more of comments
void setup(){
Object ball = new Object("ball.gif");
void draw(){ //In processing draw is similar to main in java
ball.attachPhysics(); //I attach Physics
ball.projectile(40, 5, -1); //I should then be able to access Physics classes via the ball Object which can manipulate the ball Object (call on its functions as well)