I think i found a bug in IOS SDK but i'm not sure how to overcome this issue without heavily modifying my code.

The problem? If i present modal view controller, than the user moves the app to background state, When the user comes back to the app, i switch the rootViewController to a different view controller, where i validate the user session and make some more logic. After this step is finished, i replace my original rootViewController. The problem is that the modalViewController that was presented by the rootViewController, is hidden / not showing. when i try to dismiss it it gives me an error that i'm trying to dismiss a view that it isn't visible.

when i try to present it again (or just another view controller for example), it errors me that i try to present view controller when another view controller is presented.

So, i can't dismiss the modal view controller and i can't present a new one.

To summarize, it seems that if you present a modalviewcontroller, than change your rootViewController to another viewcontroller, and restore the original rootViewController -> Any modals that where presented is in kinda limbo state.

Anyone can figure this out? any solution other the "don't replace your rootviewcontroller"?

Thanks alot


2 回答 2


您为什么要寻找“不要替换您的 rootviewcontroller”以外的解决方案。这才是正确的引导。这不是 iOS 中的错误。一般来说,你不应该替换根视图控制器。




于 2013-05-25T15:13:24.287 回答


例如,在您的应用程序委托的 -applicationWillEnterForeground: 中:

if (self.window.rootViewController.presentedViewController != nil) {
        // do any tear-down relating to the modally presented view controller
        // Now dismiss it.
        [self.window.rootViewController dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO


于 2013-07-21T16:11:13.083 回答