我试图在表中返回一堆值而不会导致“重复”输出。我认为 CASE 语句或派生表可能会有所帮助?任何输入都会很棒。
在 Product_code 列中有以下值
这是我的 SQL:
[Member Id] = c.master_customer_id,
[Full Name] = c.label_name,
[First Name] = c.first_name,
[Last Name] = c.last_name,
[Email] = ISNULL(c.primary_email_address,''),
[Annual Meeting] = MAX(ca.product_code)
CASE WHEN od.product_code IN (AFF,E,H,PD,PDM,PDRL,PDRM) then ??
--[Membership Type] = od.product_code
FROM order_detail od
INNER JOIN customer c
on c.master_customer_id = od.ship_master_customer_id
and c.sub_customer_id = od.ship_sub_customer_id
and od.subsystem = 'MBR'
INNER JOIN cus_activity ca
on ca.master_customer_id = c.master_customer_id
and ca.sub_customer_id = c.sub_customer_id
and ca.subsystem = 'MTG'
and ca.activity_subcode IN ('2012AM', '2011AM')
and ca.product_code IN ('2012AM','2011AM')
INNER JOIN cus_address caddr
on caddr.master_customer_id = c.master_customer_id
and caddr.sub_customer_id = c.sub_customer_id
INNER JOIN cus_address_detail caddrd
on caddrd.cus_address_id = caddr.cus_address_id
where c.customer_class_code NOT IN ('STAFF', 'TEST_MBR')
and c.customer_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
and c.primary_email_address IS NOT NULL
and ca.master_customer_id IN (select order_detail.ship_master_customer_id
from order_detail where order_detail.subsystem = 'MBR')
and caddrd.priority_seq = 0
and caddrd.address_status_code = 'GOOD'
and od.product_code in
( 'AFF','E','H', 'PD','PDM','PDRL','PDRM','PDRU','R',
'RM','RRL','RRM','RRU','S','SM','SRL','SRM','SRU','SU','SUM','SURL','SURM','SURU' )
and od.cycle_end_date >= '01/01/2011' and od.cycle_end_date <= '12/31/2012'
GROUP BY c.master_customer_id,c.label_name,
order by c.master_customer_id