我注意到 boost xpressive 正则表达式分配中的奇怪行为。请参阅下面的代码。第一个不起作用的代码片段具有 sregex 具有对象初步分配,然后稍后在主表达式中使用。第二个运行良好的代码片段之前没有 sregex 分配(除了最后一个主要的)。如果我错误地使用了 boost xpressive api,请告诉我。
mark_tag Value1(1), Value2(2), Value3(3), Value4(4), Value5(5), Value6(6), Value7(7);
boost::xpressive::sregex name,multicast,rtsp;
name = ( (Value1 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_w|_d|'-'|'_'|as_xpr(' ')]) ) >> ',' );
name1 =
( (Value2 = icase(as_xpr("mark1:") ) )
>> (Value3 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d|'.']) )
>> ':'
>> (Value4 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d]) ) >> optional(as_xpr(",")) );
name2 =
( (Value5 = icase(as_xpr("mark2:") ) )
>> (Value6 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d|'.']) )
>> ':'
>> (Value7 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d]) ) >> optional(as_xpr(",")) ) ;
boost::xpressive::sregex pt = bos
>> (
>> repeat<0,2>(
>> eos;
smatch what;
if ( !regex_search(string_to_parse, what, pt)) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Unable to parse: " << string_to_parse;
throw parse::MyException(ss.str());
std::string Value1_str = what[Value1]; // print them later
std::string Value2_str = what[Value2]; // print them later
std::string Value3_str = what[Value3]; // print them later
std::string Value4_str = what[Value4]; // print them later
std::string Value5_str = what[Value5]; // print them later
std::string Value6_str = what[Value6]; // print them later
std::string Value7_str = what[Value7]; // print them later
string_to_parse = NameX,mark1:,mark2:;
(解析失败)意思是什么[<>] 不包含任何值。
mark_tag Value1(1), Value2(2), Value3(3), Value4(4), Value5(5), Value6(6), Value7(7);
sregex pt = bos
>> (
( (Value1 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_w|_d|'-'|'_'|as_xpr(' ')]) ) >> ',' )
>> repeat<0,2>(
( (Value2 = icase(as_xpr("mark1:") ) ) >> (Value3 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d|'.']) ) >> ':' >> (Value4 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d]) ) >> optional(as_xpr(",")) )
( (Value5 = icase(as_xpr("mark2:") ) ) >> (Value6 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d|'.']) ) >> ':' >> (Value7 = (+boost::xpressive::set[_d]) ) >> optional(as_xpr(",")) ) )
>> eos;
smatch what;
if ( !regex_search(string_to_parse, what, pt)) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Unable to parse: " << string_to_parse;
throw parse::MyException(ss.str());
std::string Value1_str = what[Value1]; // print them later
std::string Value2_str = what[Value2]; // print them later
std::string Value3_str = what[Value3]; // print them later
std::string Value4_str = what[Value4]; // print them later
std::string Value5_str = what[Value5]; // print them later
std::string Value6_str = what[Value6]; // print them later
std::string Value7_str = what[Value7]; // print them later
string_to_parse = NameX,mark1:,mark2:;