In my school homework I was given a problem, that required me to calculate Lagrange polynomial. The data set (x,y) involved x = 0,1,2....20, while y = x - 0.3*rand() + 1; Then we were asked to observed Runge's Phenomenon. After that, we were asked to compute Chebyshev Nodes around the edge to remove this phenomenon. Well, this is where I somehow got stuck. The Lagrange polynomial I'm calculating, at this moment, is not going through every data point.
The lagrange polynomial function I used is,
function P = lagrangepoly(x, y)
%checks if two inputs vectors are obtained
if nargin ~= 2
error('The function accepts only two arguments of equal length');
sz = size(x); %size of x
sz2 = size(y); % size of y
%checks if size of x and size of y matches and they are row vectors
if (sz(1) ~= sz2(1)) || (sz(2) ~= sz2(2)) || (sz(1) ~= 1)
error('Mismatch in length or unsupported arguments.');
%takes the length of thevectors
len = sz(2);
%creating a emplt 1xlen container
P = zeros(1, len);
for i=1:1:len
%poly evaluates all the convolution of [1 -x(j)] except at x(i)
%prod evaluates all the product of (x(i) - x(j)) except at x(i)
P = P + (poly(x((1:len)~=i)) ./ prod(x(i)-x((1:len)~=i))) .* y(i);
And the dataset I'm using for this, is: xn = [0 0.5000 1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000 5.0000 6.0000 7.0000 8.0000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 19.5000 20.0000];
yn =[0.7363 1.4701 1.7802 2.8232 3.9698 4.9934 5.9747 6.8635 7.9435 8.9775 9.9013 10.9318 11.8988 12.8343 13.7095 14.9318 15.8800 16.7028 17.8614 18.7046 19.8505 20.2849 20.7036];
The curve I'm getting can be seen
The blue curve gives the original dataset, and the green curve gives the points evaluated from the polynomial. Can anyone give me suggestion on how do I remove this error. I think this is some kind of precision error. Thanks in advance.