I'm trying to set default access to the methods on my controller, so I've added the [Authorize] attribute on my ApiController.

For the most part, unless overridden with the [AllowAnonymous] attribute this works fine.

Now I want to add another level into the mix. For my authorized methods by default, I want them to require a specific role (such as admin) so I updated the controller level attribute to [Authorize(roles="admin")]. For a few exceptions, I don't care what role they are (just being authenticated is good enough).

I thought I could stick with setting the Authorize attribute at the controller level and override it at the individual method level, but this doesn't appear to work the same way as [AllowAnonymous] does.

Are there any suggestions out there on how to go about this without having to remember to decorate every new method with the default access level? Something like [Authorize(roles="*")]? Even if I needed to have a default role that every user was a part of like AuthenticatedUsers, that would be fine.


2 回答 2


如何创建标记属性?AllowAnonymous 就是这样一个标记,顺便说一句。当标记存在时,创建您自己的 Authorize 属性并清除角色。

[MyAuth(Roles = "admin")]
public class ValuesController : ApiController
    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };

public class ExemptRolesAttribute : Attribute { }

public class MyAuthAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
        if (actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<ExemptRolesAttribute>().Any())
            base.Roles = String.Empty;

于 2013-05-08T15:30:26.317 回答



public class InternalAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
    public override void OnAuthorization(System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpActionContext actionContext)
        if(actionContext == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("actionContext");
        if (AuthorizeRequest(actionContext))

        // no special authorization found. fall back to base (handles AllowAnonymous, and Controller level attribute)

    private bool AuthorizeRequest(HttpActionContext actionContext)
        if (!actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<InternalAuthorizeAttribute>().Any())
            return false;

        foreach (AuthorizeAttribute attribute in actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<AuthorizeAttribute>())
            foreach (var role in attribute.Roles.Split(','))
                if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(role)) return true;
        return false;
于 2013-05-08T05:38:22.377 回答