# This progam will simulate a dice with 4, 6 or 12 sides.
import random
def RollTheDice():
print("Roll The Dice")
NumberOfSides = int(input("Please select a dice with 4, 6 or 12 sides: "))
Repeat = True
while Repeat == True:
if not NumberOfSides.isdigit() or NumberOfSides not in ValidNumbers:
print("You have entered an incorrect value")
NumberOfSides = int(input("Please select a dice with 4, 6 or 12 sides")
UserScore = random.randint(1,NumberOfSides)
print("{0} sided dice thrown, score {1}".format (NumberOfSides,UserScore))
RollAgain = input("Do you want to roll the dice again? ")
if RollAgain == "No" or RollAgain == "no":
print("Have a nice day")
Repeat = False
NumberOfSides = int(input("Please select a dice with 4, 6 or 12 sides: "))