我正在开发一个带有两个选项卡的 TabBarController 的 iPhone 应用程序。
每个选项卡都包含一个从我的网站加载网页的 UIWebView。
我想添加一个视图,该视图将用作不显示 TabBarController 本身(全屏视图)并指示正在加载应用程序的欢迎屏幕。
之后我想隐藏欢迎屏幕并显示 TabBarController
我正在开发一个带有两个选项卡的 TabBarController 的 iPhone 应用程序。
每个选项卡都包含一个从我的网站加载网页的 UIWebView。
我想添加一个视图,该视图将用作不显示 TabBarController 本身(全屏视图)并指示正在加载应用程序的欢迎屏幕。
之后我想隐藏欢迎屏幕并显示 TabBarController
I would suggest using a modal view controller for the loading view:
- (void)presentModalViewController:(UIViewController *)modalViewController animated:(BOOL)animated
If you present the modal view controller as soon as your app launches (with no animation), it will be on top of everything, including the tab bar, even if it was presented by one of the tab view controllers.
Once the loading is done, you can dismiss the modal view controller:
- (void)dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated
You could animate the dismissal or not.
If your Default.png (launch screenshot) looks like the modal view, the whole thing should be pretty seamless.