I know its a general question topic, but still i want to know whats the fastest speech recognition library in C++?

Currently I am using Microsoft SAPI with kniect. It works fine and recognizes words but its abit slow, some times it takes 1,2 seconds to recognize a word and in my case this lag is causing alot of interaction issues for the user.

I checked the sample provided with the kinect, in which the turtle moves left right according to words recognized but even thats a bit slow.

So I was wondering if there is any faster library then sapi, that can be used in cases like a robot using voice recognition you say "left" then "right" but robot keeps moving left and turns right after 1,2 seconds its a bit frustrating for the user.


1 回答 1


问题不是很快,而是使用 API 的正确方法。语音识别是一个耗时的过程,因此主要技巧是在录制音频后立即开始识别音频,同时进行录制。然后到说出短语结尾的那一刻,您将获得几乎所有结果并且可以立即做出反应。


于 2013-04-05T06:51:24.930 回答