I have a method to dynamically add a container which is attached to the target container . When the action has been performed i removed the action container but now I have to add a class to parent container but problem is it is getting set (class name to parent container ) but it gets removed itself. For more clarification I am adding an sample code
<div class="main">
<li>some contents</li>
<ul class="dynamic_container">
dynamic_container is added when user mouseover the main class container and this get removed once action has been executed . But now it gets added(class name) but it gets removed too . I believe this is basically because $(e.target) get removed ....
Any advice/suggestion will be appreciated . Thanks in advance.
edit :
$(e.target).parents('.main').addClass('current'); (this code does not able to add class to .main div) . This code is executed from ul.dynamic_container (which is added to the dom on mouseover on div.main)
edit 2: jsfiddle link: this is the structure (not the actual code)