我需要限制某些数据的最小化(即,以便我获得一定范围内的最小值)。目前我只能得到所有空间的最小值。例如,如果手头问题的有效可能答案仅在 -5<=x<=5 范围内,那么让 fmin 告诉我函数的最小值在 -10505 是没有用的。我需要将可能的输出限制在问题范围内。
p = [0,0,0]
fit_quad = lambda p,w: p[2]*w**2 + p[1]*w + p[0]
errfunc = lambda p,l,w: fit_quad(p,w) - l
fit, success = leastsq(errfunc, p, args=(y,x), maxfev=5000) #x and y are the input datasets
#find the minimum tilt
quad = lambda w,p: p[2]*w**2 + p[1]*w + p[0]
min_tilt = fmin(quad, 0.0, args=([fit]))[0]
#check for range violations
if min_tilt < min_angle #the minimum on the quadratic can sometimes end up negative, especially if there are not enough good points
min_tilt = 0.0
elif min_tilt > max_angle: #if things are extremely tilted the minimum of the fit quadratic can end up unrealistically high. This pulls it back.
min_tilt = max_angle