I have a problem with anytime.js ; The input field exists

<input type="text" value="" name="step_dimension_value" >

this is how i called the plugin:

    format: "%H:%i", 
    labelTitle: "Hora",
    labelHour: "Hora", 
    labelMinute: "Minuto" 

The error is (from Firebug console):

" TypeError: off is null [Break On This Error]
var left = off.left; " in anytime.js?ver=1 (line 3062)

can you please help me ?

* EDIT *

I think i have the answer:

In my opinion there is a problem in the anytime.js datepicker; Fortunately it can be very easily worked around.

How to reproduce: - If the call to anytime picker is done using jquery selector, (Like : jQuery('input[name="step_dimension_value"]').AnyTime_picker(....)) and the input does not have an id, the error will happen;

Workaround: - add an id to the input element; I tested it and this works.


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于 2013-03-31T15:55:13.737 回答