I trying to connect and debug my application with ET1 MOTROLO device with ADT ,but the device is not detecting, other devices such as asus tablets and phones are detecting and i am able to debug ,but for this motrola tablet its not detecting. I changed and configured as per this link https://docs.symbol.com/ReleaseNotes/ET1N0-ADB_Setup_Instruction.pdf

My system is Windows 8 - yet no luck.If any one have solved this issue please let me know. The system detects the device as a media player and i can browse to the sdcard folder, but IDE Does not detects the tablet when debug or running my application


1 回答 1


嗨,摩托罗拉解决方案(企业版设备)的 android 开发人员 - 我从这里找到了 Et1 MOTROLO 设备的驱动程序并解决了这个问题按照下面的链接下载 exe 并安装,然后肯定 adt 会检测到企业版 Android 的摩托罗拉设备如ET1-Android平板电脑、MC 40和TC55。


您可以从摩托罗拉解决方案支持网站下载它并搜索“Android USB 驱动程序”。

目前最新版本是 1.1,涵盖 ET1、MC40 和 TC55。

在这里 下载 下载 EXE

下载更新的 EXE ANDROID USB 驱动程序 V1.2

于 2014-02-03T12:51:56.170 回答