We would like to create a contract first ws with wso2brs based on a certain xsd. The object model of the ws generated by the wso2brs must stay conform to this xsd. The strategy we've tried so far is generating java libraries based on the xsd, and then have the brs reason on the java libraries in the brs-project.

The problem is that the object model of the resulting ws exposed by the brs is no longer conform to that of the original xsd. It seems that something goes wrong in the "translation" xsd->javaobject->xml. The java object generators I've tried so far have been jaxb and wsdl2java.

What do we need to do in order to create a "true" contract first ws with wso2brs?

Best regards, Georg and Philip


1 回答 1


在创建要在 WSO2 BRS 上部署的规则服务时,该服务应包含三个组件,它们是 (1.)包含事实和结果的 Java 类的 JAR,(2.)定义示例用例规则的 Drools 文件 (. drl) 和 (3.) 规则服务配置 (.rsl)。因此,如果您想遵循合同优先的方法,那么只会创建 java 类,因此 drools 文件和服务配置应该是最终规则服务的一部分。因此,您尝试过的方法可能是唯一的方法。如果您在翻译中遇到问题,我认为您最好使用像 Eclipse 这样的 IDE 为您进行翻译http://theopentutorials.com/examples/java/jaxb/generate-java-class-from-xml-schema -在-eclipse-ide/

于 2013-08-28T07:52:34.440 回答