我不应该给出完整的答案,因为 JES 是为学生设计的应用程序,但我认为三个月后可以给出一个完整的工作示例,可以作为其他人的参考......
注意:您对 x 和 y 进行简单双循环的方法是正确的。
def crazyPic(pic, newRed, newGreen, newBlue):
w = getWidth(pic)
h = getHeight(pic)
new_w = w * 2
new_h = h * 2
newPic = makeEmptyPicture(w * 2, h * 2)
for x in range(new_w):
for y in range(new_h):
new_px = getPixel(newPic, x, y)
# Top-left: B&W
if (x < w) and (y < h):
px = getPixel(pic, x, y)
nRed = getRed(px) * newRed #0.299
nGreen = getGreen(px) * newGreen #0.587
nBlue = getBlue(px) * newBlue #0.114
luminance = nRed + nGreen + nBlue
new_col = makeColor(luminance, luminance, luminance)
# Top-right
elif (y < h):
px = getPixel(pic, x - w, y)
nRed = getRed(px) * newRed
new_col = makeColor(nRed, getGreen(px), getBlue(px))
# Bottom-left
elif (x < w):
px = getPixel(pic, x, y - h)
nGreen = getGreen(px) * newGreen
new_col = makeColor(getGreen(px), nGreen, getBlue(px))
# Bottom-right
px = getPixel(pic, x - w, y - h)
nBlue = getBlue(px) * newBlue
new_col = makeColor(getGreen(px), getBlue(px), nBlue)
setColor(new_px, new_col)
return newPic
file = pickAFile()
picture = makePicture(file)
#picture = crazyPic(picture, 0.299, 0.587, 0.114)
# Here, with my favorite r, g, b weights
picture = crazyPic(picture, 0.21, 0.71, 0.07)
writePictureTo(picture, "/home/quartered.jpg")
输出(Antoni Tapies绘画):