
这是一个预览:路口 所以,它不应该检测到这个交叉点,因为水平线没有那么长。


- (NSMutableArray *) intersectWithLines:(CGPoint)startPoint andEnd:(CGPoint)endPoint {
    NSMutableArray *intersects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    for(GameLine *line in [_lineBackground getLines]) {

        double lineStartX = line.startPos.x;
        double lineStartY = line.startPos.y;
        double tempEndX = line.endPos.x;
        double tempEndY = line.endPos.y;

        double d = ((startPoint.x - endPoint.x)*(lineStartY - tempEndY)) - ((startPoint.y - endPoint.y) * (lineStartX - tempEndX));

        if(d != 0) {            
            double sX = ((lineStartX - tempEndX) * (startPoint.x * endPoint.y - startPoint.y * endPoint.x) - (startPoint.x - endPoint.x) * (lineStartX * tempEndY - lineStartY * tempEndX)) / d;
            double sY = ((lineStartY - tempEndY) * (startPoint.x * endPoint.y - startPoint.y * endPoint.x) - (startPoint.y - endPoint.y) * (lineStartX * tempEndY - lineStartY * tempEndX)) / d;

            if([self isValidCGPoint:CGPointMake(sX, sY)]) {
                [intersects addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(sX, sY)]];

    return intersects;

7 回答 7



- (NSValue *)intersectionOfLineFrom:(CGPoint)p1 to:(CGPoint)p2 withLineFrom:(CGPoint)p3 to:(CGPoint)p4
    CGFloat d = (p2.x - p1.x)*(p4.y - p3.y) - (p2.y - p1.y)*(p4.x - p3.x);
    if (d == 0)
        return nil; // parallel lines
    CGFloat u = ((p3.x - p1.x)*(p4.y - p3.y) - (p3.y - p1.y)*(p4.x - p3.x))/d;
    CGFloat v = ((p3.x - p1.x)*(p2.y - p1.y) - (p3.y - p1.y)*(p2.x - p1.x))/d;
    if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)
        return nil; // intersection point not between p1 and p2
    if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0)
        return nil; // intersection point not between p3 and p4
    CGPoint intersection;
    intersection.x = p1.x + u * (p2.x - p1.x);
    intersection.y = p1.y + u * (p2.y - p1.y);

    return [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:intersection];
于 2013-03-28T21:13:37.653 回答

这是Hayden Holligan 对 Swift 3的回答稍作修改的版本:

func getIntersectionOfLines(line1: (a: CGPoint, b: CGPoint), line2: (a: CGPoint, b: CGPoint)) -> CGPoint {

    let distance = (line1.b.x - line1.a.x) * (line2.b.y - line2.a.y) - (line1.b.y - line1.a.y) * (line2.b.x - line2.a.x)
    if distance == 0 {
        print("error, parallel lines")
        return CGPoint.zero

    let u = ((line2.a.x - line1.a.x) * (line2.b.y - line2.a.y) - (line2.a.y - line1.a.y) * (line2.b.x - line2.a.x)) / distance
    let v = ((line2.a.x - line1.a.x) * (line1.b.y - line1.a.y) - (line2.a.y - line1.a.y) * (line1.b.x - line1.a.x)) / distance

    if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) {
        print("error, intersection not inside line1")
        return CGPoint.zero
    if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0) {
        print("error, intersection not inside line2")
        return CGPoint.zero

    return CGPoint(x: line1.a.x + u * (line1.b.x - line1.a.x), y: line1.a.y + u * (line1.b.y - line1.a.y))
于 2017-08-29T06:11:07.583 回答


func getIntersectionOfLines(line1: (a: CGPoint, b: CGPoint), line2: (a: CGPoint, b: CGPoint)) -> CGPoint {
        let distance = (line1.b.x - line1.a.x) * (line2.b.y - line2.a.y) - (line1.b.y - line1.a.y) * (line2.b.x - line2.a.x)
        if distance == 0 {
            print("error, parallel lines")
            return CGPointZero

        let u = ((line2.a.x - line1.a.x) * (line2.b.y - line2.a.y) - (line2.a.y - line1.a.y) * (line2.b.x - line2.a.x)) / distance
        let v = ((line2.a.x - line1.a.x) * (line1.b.y - line1.a.y) - (line2.a.y - line1.a.y) * (line1.b.x - line1.a.x)) / distance

        if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) {
            print("error, intersection not inside line1")
            return CGPointZero
        if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0) {
            print("error, intersection not inside line2")
            return CGPointZero

        return CGPointMake(line1.a.x + u * (line1.b.x - line1.a.x), line1.a.y + u * (line1.b.y - line1.a.y))
于 2016-06-10T20:11:08.593 回答


+(CGPoint) intersection2:(CGPoint)u1 u2:(CGPoint)u2 v1:(CGPoint)v1 v2:(CGPoint)v2 {  
    CGPoint ret=u1;  
    double t=((u1.x-v1.x)*(v1.y-v2.y)-(u1.y-v1.y)*(v1.x-v2.x))  
    return ret;  
于 2015-02-05T21:04:56.040 回答

这是 Swift 4.2 中的另一个解决方案。这在功能上与 MartinR 的解决方案相同,但使用 simd 向量和矩阵来清理它。

/// Protocol adoped by any type that models a line segment.
protocol LineSegment
    /// Point defining an end of a line segment.
    var p1: simd_double2 { get }
    /// Point defining an end of a line segment.
    var p2: simd_double2 { get }

extension LineSegment
    /// Calcualte the intersection between this line segment and another line
    /// segment.
    /// Algorithm from here:
    /// http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/~cssimon/line_intersection.html
    /// - Parameter other: The other line segment.
    /// - Returns: The intersection point, or `nil` if the two line segments are
    ///            parallel or the intersection point would be off the end of
    ///            one of the line segments.
    func intersection(lineSegment other: LineSegment) -> simd_double2?
        let p3 = other.p1 // Name the points so they are consistent with the explanation below
        let p4 = other.p2
        let matrix = simd_double2x2(p4 - p3, p1 - p2)
        guard matrix.determinant != 0 else { return nil } // Determinent == 0 => parallel lines
        let multipliers = matrix.inverse * (p1 - p3)
        // If either of the multipliers is outside the range 0 ... 1, then the
        // intersection would be off the end of one of the line segments.
        guard (0.0 ... 1.0).contains(multipliers.x) && (0.0 ... 1.0).contains(multipliers.y)
            else { return nil }
        return p1 + multipliers.y * (p2 - p1)

该算法有效,因为如果您有由两个点p 1p 2定义的线段a和由p 3p 4定义的线段b ,则ab上的点分别由

  • p 1 + t a ( p 2 - p 1 )
  • p 3 + t b ( p 4 - p 3 )


p 1 + t a ( p 2 - p 1 ) = p 3 + t b ( p 4 - p 3 )


p 1 - p 3 = t b ( p 4 - p 3 ) + t a ( p 1 - p 2 )


p 1 - p 3 = A。 _

其中t是向量 (t b , t a ),A是矩阵,其列是p 4 - p 3p 1 - p 2


一个-1 ( p 1 - p 3 ) = t

左边的一切都是已知的,或者可以计算得到我们tt的任何一个分量都可以插入各自的原始方程以获得交点(NB 浮点舍入误差意味着两个答案可能不完全相同但非常接近)。

请注意,如果线平行,则A的行列式将为零。此外,如果任一组件超出范围0 ... 1,则需要扩展一个或两个线段以到达交点。

于 2019-03-23T15:16:42.673 回答


func linesCross(start1: CGPoint, end1: CGPoint, start2: CGPoint, end2: CGPoint) -> (x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)? {
// calculate the differences between the start and end X/Y positions for each of our points
let delta1x = end1.x - start1.x
let delta1y = end1.y - start1.y
let delta2x = end2.x - start2.x
let delta2y = end2.y - start2.y

// create a 2D matrix from our vectors and calculate the determinant
let determinant = delta1x * delta2y - delta2x * delta1y

if abs(determinant) < 0.0001 {
    // if the determinant is effectively zero then the lines are parallel/colinear
    return nil

// if the coefficients both lie between 0 and 1 then we have an intersection
let ab = ((start1.y - start2.y) * delta2x - (start1.x - start2.x) * delta2y) / determinant

if ab > 0 && ab < 1 {
    let cd = ((start1.y - start2.y) * delta1x - (start1.x - start2.x) * delta1y) / determinant

    if cd > 0 && cd < 1 {
        // lines cross – figure out exactly where and return it
        let intersectX = start1.x + ab * delta1x
        let intersectY = start1.y + ab * delta1y
        return (intersectX, intersectY)

// lines don't cross
return nil




于 2020-06-24T07:12:30.547 回答



struct Point {
  var x: Double
  var y: Double
struct Line {
  var p1: Point
  var p2: Point
  var slope: Double {
    guard p1.x - p2.x != 0.0 else { return .nan }
    return (p1.y-p2.y) / (p1.x-p2.x)
  func intersection(of other: Line) -> Point? {
    let ourSlope = slope
    let theirSlope = other.slope
    guard ourSlope != theirSlope else { return nil }
    if ourSlope.isNaN && !theirSlope.isNaN {
      return Point(x: p1.x, y: (p1.x - other.p1.x) * theirSlope + other.p1.y)
    } else if theirSlope.isNaN && !ourSlope.isNaN {
      return Point(x: other.p1.x, y: (other.p1.x - p1.x) * ourSlope + p1.y)
    } else {
      let x = (ourSlope*p1.x - theirSlope*other.p1.x + other.p1.y - p1.y) / (ourSlope - theirSlope)
      return Point(x: x, y: theirSlope*(x - other.p1.x) + other.p1.y)
let l1 = Line(p1: Point(x: 4.0, y: 0.0), p2: Point(x: 6.0, y: 10.0))
let l2 = Line(p1: Point(x: 0.0, y: 3.0), p2: Point(x: 10.0, y: 7.0))
print("Intersection at : \(l1.intersection(of: l2)!)")
于 2021-11-12T17:04:11.727 回答