我正在尝试通过将收集到的一些加速器数据与也记录的 LVDT 位移进行比较来验证这些数据。为此,我试图区分 LVDT 数据两次以获得加速。但是,当我运行我的代码时,它有错误
Undefined function or variable 'DiffDiffLVDT'.
对此进行调查,我发现 Matlab 没有处理第二个 for 循环,因此从未生成变量 DiffDiffLVDT。
为什么它会跳过第二个 for 循环?
enter code here
clear all
test2 = csvread('HZ1.csv'); %raw data from excel
time = test2(:,1);
%% Filtering
f=250;% sampling frequency
f_cutoff = 2; % cutoff frequency
f_cutoff2 = 5;
fnorm =f_cutoff/(f/2); % normalized cut off freq, you can change it to any value depending on your requirements
fnorm2 =f_cutoff2/(f/2);
[b1,a1] = butter(4,fnorm,'low'); % Low pass Butterworth filter of order 4
[b2,a2] = butter(4,fnorm2,'low'); % Low pass Butterworth filter of order 4
filtaccZ = filtfilt(b2,a2,test2(:,6));
filtLVDTZ = filtfilt(b1,a1,test2(:,7));
%% Remove Offset
Accz = filtaccZ -mean(filtaccZ);
LVDTz = filtLVDTZ - mean(filtLVDTZ);
%% Unit Conversion
LVDTm = LVDTz/1000; % mm to m
%% LVDT Displacement to Acc
% Displacement to Velocity
for d = 2:1:(size(LVDTm)-1)
x = LVDTm(d+1);
y = LVDTm(d-1);
z = x-y; %differnce in y
a = time (d+1);
b = time (d-1);
c = a-b; %differnce in x
DiffLVDT(d)= (z/c); % Displacement to velocity
velocity = DiffLVDT;
% Velocity to Acceleration
for e=1:1:(size(velocity)-1)
x2 = velocity(e+1);
y2 = velocity(e-1);
z2 = x2-y2; %differnce in y
a2 = time (e+1);
b2 = time (e-1);
c2 = a2-b2; %differnce in x
DiffDiffLVDT(e)= (z2/c2) %velocity to acc.
Acc= DiffDiffLVDT
%% Plotting
close all
hold on
grid on;box on
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