我有一个 ec2 实例,它有一个根设备和一个附加到它的实例存储。当我 scp 到根设备时,没有问题,但是当我 scp 到实例存储时,它给了我权限被拒绝错误。我正在使用的命令如下 scp -i/home/usmanmahmood/Desktop/abc/UsmanMahmood_KP.pem ~/Desktop/iozone3_414.tar ubuntu@ec2-54-224-70-78.compute-1.amazonaws.com:/ mnt

出现的错误是 scp: /mnt/iozone3_414.tar: Permission denied。

你能告诉我问题是什么,实例存储在 mnt 上吗?我正在做 mnt,因为当我通过 ssh 登录到 ec2 后执行“df -h”时,我得到以下输出

已使用的文件系统大小 Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 7.9G 876M 6.7G 12% / udev 819M 12K 819M 1% /dev tmpfs 331M 168K 331M 1% /run none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock none 827M 0 827M 0% /run/shm /dev/xvdb 147G 188M 140G 1% /mnt

从最后我认为实例存储在 /mnt 请帮助


1 回答 1


You can't actually scp to the instance store, its not persistent store device which is attached to it, please be aware of the fact that if you reboot or shut down the instance you may loss that data which is stored the instance store, so I dont suggest you to store any critical data in the /mnt/. Obviously you will not have any access.

于 2013-03-28T09:06:30.160 回答