我正在做一个项目,我需要使用线性投影技术,例如傅立叶 motzkin 消除。但是当我试图为 c# 找到一个合适的实现时,我找不到一个。我发现的唯一实现是用 c 或 c++ 实现的,称为 porta(1993 年生产)。这意味着我需要了解如何编辑代码,以便能够将其移植到 C# 并将其用作 dll。是否有任何 C# 的数值或数学库可用于进行线性投影?


1 回答 1


Have a look at ILNumerics. Code is in SourceForge with examples. Not sure if there is an implementation of Fourier Motzkin though.

Some others are listed here in Wikipedia

Edit- There is also a more recent implementation of Fourier Motzkin in C, with an example in python. - http://code.google.com/p/fm-eliminator/

If nothing work's out, you can just port this to C# and publish it (preferably as a contribution to one of the open source libraries).

Edit 2 - Found a few implementations in Matlab. One example here

Now, there is this tool called Matlab Builder NE (which comes with a trial) that promises that you can build .NET or COM components from a Matlab program.

于 2013-03-24T11:45:34.493 回答