
我已安装 Cube Cart V5 并已激活 PayPal Standard 作为付款方式。在测试销售中,PayPal 屏幕出现并询问 1) 登录到您的 PayPal 帐户,2) 使用您的信用卡。如何将此链接到我的 PayPal 帐户,以便将购买注册到我的 PayPal 帐户?


2 回答 2


I'm not sure what you're asking. Paypal works this way, by connecting you directly to paypal and allowing you to sign in and make your payment on their website. When your customer makes a payment, the money goes into your paypal account which you entered into cube during the setup process.

If you prefer to use paypal's api key, you can learn more about it at this link: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/express-checkout/integration-guide/ECAPICredentials/

于 2015-02-25T04:44:56.843 回答

我对 Cube Cart 不熟悉,但在最基本的方式中,作为贝宝商家,您会获得一个代表您的商家用户名和密码,并且在您的购物车管理工具中,您可以在其中剪切和粘贴这些值,以便处理交易。

初始化付款时,它通常通过 URL 字符串传递值。您的商家信息将在该字符串中,因此它可以匹配一个帐户来收款。

Paypal 有集成文档,但支持购物车的人应该能够更有效地帮助您。如果您没有获得直接支持,请查看他们是否有论坛。

于 2013-04-04T19:05:25.023 回答