我是新手 R 用户。我安装了 Zelig 4.1-3 版和 Amelia II 1.7 版。我对如何使用 R 包和函数获得组合的多重插补数据的自由度、t 统计量和 f 值感到困惑。

首先,我加载了 Amelia 和 Zelig:


然后,我加载了 Amelia 附带的示例数据:


我使用 amelia 函数为此数据集创建了 5 个插补。

a.out <- amelia(freetrade, m = 5, ts = "year", cs = "country")  

然后,为了结合插补,我使用了 zelig 函数:

z.out.imp <- zelig(tariff ~ polity + pop + gdp.pc + year + country, 
     data = a.out$imputations, model = "ls" )




                           Value   Std. Error     t-stat      p-value
(Intercept)         2.766176e+03 6.670110e+02  4.1471215 0.0003572868
polity              1.645011e-01 3.078134e-01  0.5344183 0.5938286336
pop                -6.079963e-08 6.518429e-08 -0.9327345 0.3774275934
gdp.pc             -4.246794e-04 1.945866e-03 -0.2182470 0.8319093062
year               -1.335563e+00 3.519513e-01 -3.7947390 0.0009787456
countryIndonesia   -7.000319e+01 4.646330e+01 -1.5066343 0.1700377061
countryKorea       -8.643855e+01 4.671629e+01 -1.8502870 0.0926657863
countryMalaysia    -8.815182e+01 5.389486e+01 -1.6356256 0.1393312364
countryNepal       -8.215250e+01 5.475828e+01 -1.5002753 0.1702129176
countryPakistan    -4.349869e+01 5.149729e+01 -0.8446791 0.4238033944
countryPhilippines -8.088975e+01 5.320694e+01 -1.5202857 0.1673234716
countrySriLanka    -7.668840e+01 5.695485e+01 -1.3464771 0.2161986616
countryThailand    -7.400481e+01 5.186395e+01 -1.4269026 0.1903428838

Amelia 手册显示了组合多重插补数据集的一些系数应该是什么,尽管没有解释如何使用 R 获得所有这些系数(参见http://cran.r-project.org/web/的第 46 页包/Amelia/vignettes/amelia.pdf

Complete DF = 167
DF:   min   = 10.36
      avg   = 18.81
      max   = 37.62
F( 2, 10.4) = 15.50
Prob > F    = 0.0008

                    Value        Std. Error     t-stat       p-value
polity             -0.206        0.39            -0.53       0.61 
pop                -3.21 e-08    8.72e-09         3.68       0.004
gdp.pc             -0.0027       0.000644        -4.28       0.000
Intercept           32.7         2.66            12.29       0.000

因为 amelia 函数使用蒙特卡罗模拟,所以我们可以预期运行之间的微小差异。然而,截距的巨大差异表明 zelig 函数返回的回归统计数据不是组合集。

Amelia 手册提供了以下代码:

> b.out <-NULL
> se.out <-NULL
> for(i in 1:a.out$m){
+ ols.out <- lm(tariff ~ polity + pop + gdp.pc, data = a.out$imputations[[i]])
+ b.out <- rbind(b.out, ols.out$coef)
+ se.out <-rbind(se.out, coef(summary(ols.out))[,2])
+ }
> combined.results<-mi.meld(q=b.out, se = se.out)
> combined.results

我尝试使用它。返回的结果非常接近第 46 页上显示的值和标准错误:

     (Intercept)     polity          pop       gdp.pc
[1,]    33.17325 -0.1499587 2.967196e-08 -0.002724229

     (Intercept)   polity          pop       gdp.pc
[1,]    2.116721 0.276968 6.061993e-09 0.0006596203

但是,它们不包括 t 统计量、自由度或 f 值。

R 中是否有可用的开源包或函数,以便我无需手动计算即可获得自由度、t 统计量和 f 值?



1 回答 1



> library(Zelig)

ZELIG (Versions 4.1-3, built: 2013-01-30)

> a.out <- amelia(freetrade, idvars="country", m = 5)
Error: could not find function "amelia"

我遇到的第一个问题是你没有提到我们需要加载 Amelia 包。更正后,我再次尝试运行第一行:

> library(Amelia)
## (Version 1.7, built: 2013-02-10)
> a.out <- amelia(freetrade, idvars="country", m = 5)
Error in amelia(freetrade, idvars = "country", m = 5) : 
  object 'freetrade' not found


> data(freetrade)
> a.out <- amelia(freetrade, m = 5)
Amelia Error Code:  38 
 The following variable(s) are characters: 
You may have wanted to set this as a ID variable to remove it
from the imputation model or as an ordinal or nominal
variable to be imputed.  Please set it as either and
try again. 


> a.out <- amelia(freetrade, idvars="country", m = 5)
> z.out.imp <- zelig(tariff ~ polity + pop + gdp.pc + year + country, 
+      data = a.out$imputations, model = "ls")


# This part works just fine.
> summary(z.out.imp)

  Model: ls
  Number of multiply imputed data sets: 5 

Combined results:

lm(formula = formula, weights = weights, model = F, data = data)

                           Value   Std. Error     t-stat      p-value
(Intercept)         3.294715e+03 6.425487e+02  5.1275725 1.330807e-05
polity              2.761343e-01 3.354271e-01  0.8232319 4.145813e-01
pop                -6.443769e-08 5.526885e-08 -1.1658953 2.659143e-01
gdp.pc              4.549885e-04 1.354139e-03  0.3359984 7.382138e-01
year               -1.599422e+00 3.306932e-01 -4.8365739 2.649602e-05
countryIndonesia   -7.396526e+01 4.112206e+01 -1.7986760 1.009329e-01
countryKorea       -9.673542e+01 5.036909e+01 -1.9205317 8.713903e-02
countryMalaysia    -9.271187e+01 4.998836e+01 -1.8546690 9.424041e-02
countryNepal       -8.863525e+01 4.920061e+01 -1.8015072 9.990792e-02
countryPakistan    -4.789370e+01 4.362907e+01 -1.0977475 2.960914e-01
countryPhilippines -8.548672e+01 4.662372e+01 -1.8335456 9.533829e-02
countrySriLanka    -8.446560e+01 4.939918e+01 -1.7098586 1.170170e-01
countryThailand    -8.026702e+01 4.741244e+01 -1.6929529 1.213329e-01

For combined results from datasets i to j, use summary(x, subset = i:j).
For separate results, use print(summary(x), subset = i:j).


于 2013-03-24T14:49:02.213 回答